Below is list of changes for the year 2002:






1.        Added several rows to the table in section 4.7 regarding guns and religion.

2.        Added a rebuttal from Larken Rose to section 5.4.1 and rebutted the rebuttal.

3.        Added a quotes from Prov. 18:1 and Prov. 14:28 to the beginning of section

4.        Added a quote from Prov. 17:27-28 to the beginning of section

5.        Renamed section to “Learn and Follow the Law: It's Your Only Defense Against Tyranny!  Added quotes from Prov. 28:9 and Psalms 119:33-35 to the beginning of this section.

6.        Added a quote from 1 Peter 5:5-9 to the beginning of section

7.        Added two quotes from Matt. 4:10 and Psalms 146:3 to section 1.8.1.

8.        Added quotes from Psalms 146:3 and Psalms 118:8-9 to the beginning of section

9.        Added a quote from Prov. 21:6 to the beginning of section 7.4.

10.     Added a quote from Prov. 21:6-7 6 to the beginning of section 6.6.

11.     Added a quote from Prov. 22:16 to item 3 of section 7.8.1.

12.     Added a quote from Prov. 25:8-10 to the beginning of section 8.5.5.

13.     Added a quotes from Prov. 17:15 and Prov. 28:5 to the beginning of section 6.5.

14.     Added a quote from Prov. 11:18-21 to the beginning of section 3.9.1.

15.     Added quotes from Prov. 28:29 and Prov. 15:27 to beginning of section 6.4.

16.     Corrected errors in section and added footnotes to the first table.

17.     Added section 5.10: “How Can I Know When I’ve Discovered the Truth About Income Taxes?”.

18.     Added Family Affects and Business Affects to section 1.10 at the end.

19.     Added section entitled ““Source” issues only apply to expenses, and not income”.

20.     Moved section 5.3.4 to section entitled “Tax Liability and Responsibilities of Nonresident Aliens”.

21.     Added section entitled “REBUTTAL OF COMMON CRITICISM:  “Please Don’t Claim that you are a non-resident alien!  It is wrong and that is trouble!”.

22.     Completely revised section “Claim the 5th Amendment Whenever Questioned by the IRS

23.     Added section 2.16:  “The Ghost of Valley Forge”.

24.     Changed the title of Chapter 4 from “Know Your Rights!” to “Know Your Citizenship Status and Resulting Rights!”.

25.     Added several new testimonials to the TESTIMONIALS section.



1.        Added a section so the beginning entitled “Conventions Used Throughout This Book”.

2.        Further normalized case cites throughout the book.

3.        Added several cases to the Cases table in the Table of Authorities section at the beginning.  All the the cases in Chapter 9 were missing.

4.        Added Constitutional Provisions to the Table of Authorities at the beginning.

5.        Added Other Authorities to the Table of Authorities at the beginning.

6.        Added to section 1.8.2 a treatment of a question  about Matt. 17:27.

7.        Made minor corrections and additions to section

8.        Indexed several more statutes, regulations, and cases to add to the Table of Authorities.

9.        Added item #8 to section



1.        Added an Index to the Preface.

2.        Added several more statutes, regulations, and cases to the Table of Authorities.

3.        Corrected typos in sections 1.8.2. and 1.8.3.

4.        Swapped (right to left) all entries under Religion and Guns in table 4-1 of section 4.7.



1.        Corrected bad numbering in items found in section and reworded section slightly.

2.        Completely revised Index at beginning of document to make it more useful.

3.        Added several more cases to the Table of Authorities.

4.        Added section 5.6.3 “Taxpayer” v. “Nontaxpayer”.

5.        Expanded section “Claim the 5th Amendment if Questioned by the IRS”.

6.        Added section entitled “Sue Employers, County Recorders, and Financial Institutions that Violate Your Due Process of Law”

7.        Corrected errors in sections 5.2.3, 5.3.2, 5.3.3, and



1.        Revised the content of the rebuttal found in section to make it much stronger.

2.        Revised the content of the rebuttal found in section to make it much stronger.

3.        Modified item 1 of section 10.2 to further explain “taxpayer”.

4.        Completely rewrote section 5.6.3.

5.        Modified section 15.7.9 to remove the reference to Butz v. Economou, remove phone and email address, reword, and add a web pointer to the U.S. Atty manual section 6-4.270.

6.        Corrected typos in section 4.10.7 and reworded and added reference to 48 U.S.C. §1421b.

7.        Deleted section 3.17.10 and 3.17.8.

8.        Replaced “Yik Wo v. Hopkins” with “Yick Wo v. Hopkins” in 7 different places.

9.        Replaced “112 US 94” with “112 U.S. 94” in 5 different locations.

10.     Corrected and normalized cites throughout the document and in the Table of Authorities.  Removed redundant Cases in Table of Authorities.

11.     Added table 5-8 to section 5.3.

12.     Added a reference and note to section pointing to 28 U.S.C. §1331 and 1332 and talking about jurisdiction and diversity of citizenship.

13.     Revised the PREFACE to more clearly list all the contributors to this work.

14.     Added a quote from Botta v. Scanlon to the beginning of section 7.6.9.

15.     Rewrote and clarified section 5.6.4 to further explain why the income tax is on corporate profit.

16.     Fixed all cites of Loughborough v. Blake to reference 18 U.S. 317 instead of 15 U.S. 317.

17.     Completely revised section 3.14.8, Flint v. Stone Tracy, to quote a larger portion of it.

18.     Expanded section 5.5.4 to add ref. to several cases and 40 U.S.C. §255.

19.     Rewrote section 3.14.1, U.S. v. Bevans, because cite as incorrect.  Reworded or removed all references to this case throughout the document.



1.        Added a quote from Juilliard v. Greenman to section 5.6.4 and added a reference to dollars being “stock” in the federal corp. known as the U.S. government.

2.        Rearranged and expanded section 4.10.3 to better explain the definition of “U.S. citizen”.

3.        Expanded section to mention the definition of the word “territory”.

4.        Added a lawyer joke to section 1.9.3.

5.        Considerably expanded section to mention a joke and the Full Payment Rule.

6.        Modified items 5.2, 5.3 in section 6.3.  Added a definition to 5.4 “trade or business in the United States”.

7.        Added to section 10 by further expanding on how to discern truth from falsehood.

8.        Added a quote from Prov. 28:9 to section 1.6.

9.        Expanded the explanation of the Let Go Principle in section 1.8.3, by adding several scripture references.

10.     Added section 1.3: Why Should I Believe This Book Or Your Website?

11.     Expanded section

12.     Added another quote from Matt. 7:24 to the beginning of section 8.5.

13.     Added section 15.1:  IRS Forms, Publications, Notices, and Letters and updated tables 8-1 in section 8.5 and table 8-5 in section to reflect the new section numbers in chapter 15.



1.        Expanded the end of section 1.1.

2.        Added section 1.9.2: “Socialism is Incompatible with Christianity”.

3.        Added a quote from Prov. 28:9 to section 1.9.6.

4.        Added another quote on good government from Thomas Jefferson to section 3.3.  Added new paragraph to the end of the section and a pointer to section 1.9.2.

5.        Added section 3.8.8 and put the first ten amendments underneath this section.

6.        Added section 5.6.12 Scams with the word “includes”.

7.        Removed question 2 from section 1.3.6.

8.        Corrected several typographical errors in chapters 1, 4, and 5.



1.        Expanded section 5.6.9 to summarize the weaknesses of Mr. Schiff’s position.

2.        Expanded section 5.6.6 to mention 26 CFR § 1.1-1.

3.        Changed the introduction in section 5.3 to point back to section 4.10 regarding citizenship.

4.        Narrowed the table of contents found throughout the document so they don’t  come so close to the edge of the page.

5.        Clarified Appendix references in section 1.9.2.

6.        Eliminated redundancy in section 1.11 by consolidating two references to “family affects” into one.

7.        Added section entitled “Jan. 2002: IRS Removed the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM) from their Website Search Engine”

8.        Rewrote section 7.1 and added web links to it.

9.        Added section 7.6: Doctoring Returns to Evade Responsibility.

10.     Added section 7.7: Telephone Support Games.

11.     Modified 7.8.5 and 7.8.6 to mention that penalties are not authorized.

12.     Added a pointer to examination meetings in chapter 8 to section 7.8.8.

13.     Added bible quotes to the beginning of section 7.9.

14.     Added a requirement to section to sign certified mail receipts with the sttement “duress”.

15.     Added section 5.4.1: Direct Income Taxes are Slavery.

16.     Modified the end of section 7.9.



1.        Updated section 6.4.12 to further explain the extent of the IRS cover-up on their website.

2.        Updated the web address in sections and for locating a disclosure office for FOIA requests.  IRS website removed disclosure office locations.

3.        Removed all references to Malat v. Riddell from this book in the context of words of art.

4.        Replaced reference to Flint v. Stone Tracy in table 5-17 of section with Stratton’s Independence v. Howbert, 231 U.S. 399.

5.        Modified table 5-4 to correct the “Valid Jurisdiction” column for Indirect Taxes.

6.        Added to section 5.2.5 a definition of the word “territory”.  Also rewrote the description of 1:8:3 and 1:8:1 of the Constitution relative to graduated income tax.

7.        Updated IRS website links in section 15.1 to account for redesign of the IRS website.

8.        Added a warning to the beginning of section 8.5 and chapter 15 providing reasons why some techniques may not work.

9.        Expanded the definition of “state” in “Conventions Used Consistently Throughout This Document” at the beginning of the document by citing O’Donohue v. United States.

10.     Expanded section 11.10 to mention O’Donohue v. United States and clarified the distinction between Art. I and Art. III courts.

11.     Added a mention of Cohens v. Virginia in section 5.2.1.



1.        Added section “personal services”.

2.        Added item 15 to table 3-2 “personal services”.  Modified item 13 explanation as well.

3.        Added section

4.        Replaced all references to IRM [4.2] with  

5.        Replaced all references to section 4.2 of the Internal Revenue Manual to section 4.10 to account for the recent reorganization of the IRM.

6.        Added a quote to section 1.9.2 about paganism.

7.        Modified section 6.4.3 to change IRM 7.8.2 references to 7.25.3 following changes to IRS website on 1/28/02.

8.        Added section 6.4.2: “26 CFR 1.0-1: Publication of Internal Revenue Code WITHOUT Index”.



1.        Added section Protect Yourself from Illegal Acts of Government Extortion.

2.        Renamed section 1.11 to “Detailed Analysis of Societal Impact of Ending Federal Income Taxes”.

3.        Updated section 7.7 to mention invasion of privacy.

4.        Updated items 3.7 and 3.9 and added items 1, 7.1 and 7.4.4, and 8 to section 1.1.

5.        Updated the introduction of section 5.3.3.

6.        Updated status of Barry Konicov in section 12.2.1.

7.        Updated the DISCLAIMER at the beginning of the document.

8.        Updated sections and 15.11.17 to add a quote from 26 U.S.C. 6331 after item 3 below the Due Process Mtg worksheet.

9.        Added Question 2 to section 1.3.6.



1.        Expanded and clarified section to add a definition of “individual” from 26 CFR §1.1441-1.

2.        Added cite from Dred Scott v. John F.A. Sanford, 60 U.S. 393 to section 5.2.1.

3.        In section 2.2, replaced the cite reference of U.S. v. Fox with U.S. v. Cooper Corporation and added a note of explanation below the cite clarifying that “the sovereign” referred to was a state and not a natural person.

4.        Added section 3.4: Natural law.

5.        Added section 3.5: The Law of Tyrants.

6.        Expanded section 6.3.3, the Anti Injunction Act, to reference cases relating to it.

7.        Added the book Whatever Happened to Justice in section 13.2.



1.        Added references to California Anti-Injunction Act to section 6.3.3.

2.        Added to the end of section

3.        Completely revised and considerably enhanced the diagram of Natural Order found in section 4.1.



6.        Stapler v. U.S.,  21 F. Supp.  737   is a typo error.  Replaced with Staples  v. U.S.,  21 F. Supp.  737.

7.        Fixed an error in Table 5-13 regarding the “WHO” entry.

8.        Changed the capitalization of most instance of “State” to “state” throughout the document.

9.        Fixed references to the IRS Mission Statement at the beginning of section

10.     Rewrote section 7.8.14 to fix grammar and formatting errors.

11.     Corrected several spelling errors throughout the document.

12.     Added section 5.2.11 entitled “The States are Foreign Countries with Respect to the Federal Government”.

13.     Added section 15.13.14 entitled “Declaratory Judgment to Become Sovereign”.

14.     Added section 1.9.7 entitled “How can I wake up fellow Christians to the truths in this book?

15.     Completely revised and replaced section 15.5.2:  Marriage Contract.



1.        Added to section 4.10.3 a scanned image of a U.S. passport.

2.        Added to section 2.8.6 a quote from Prov. 22:7 about debt.

3.        Expanded section 4.1 to add an explanation of each entity in the Natural Order diagram.

4.        Further expanded sectoiin 4.10.3 to reveal the distinction between “the jurisdiction” and “their jurisdiction” in the Fourteenth Amendment.



1.        Changed the title of section 5.2.11 and added references to “foreign state”, describing the sovereign 50 states as “foreign states” as far as the federal government is concerned.

2.        Added section 7.8: District Office Games.

3.        Expanded section 8.9 to add more reforms to the list.

4.        Added to section a quote from the Social Security POMS manual regarding U.S. citizenship.

5.        Added to section 4.10.3 links to the SSA website POMS manual.



1.        Modified the disclaimer at the beginning of the book to add 18 USC 1581 and references to the Test for Federal Tax Professionals and the IRS Deposition.

2.        Revised section 1.10.5 to mention that most of that section is propaganda and FUD tactics by the government.

3.        Modified section to explain the contradiction in the SSA POMS manual.

4.        Added a definition for “U.S. National” at the beginning of the book under “Conventions Used Consistently Throughout This Book”.



1.        Rewrote the introduction to section 2.8.6.

2.        Added a pointer to our Sovereign Christian Marriage book to the beginning of section 4.13.6.

3.        Updated section 5.3 table for U.S. national under 2nd and 3rd columns.

4.        Updated section 5.2.11 to reference IRS Publication 515 statement about nontaxability of income from outside the United States.

5.        Added section We The People Truth In Taxation Hearing, February 27-28, 2002



1.        Added section 8.4.1 entitled “Defeating the Anti-Injunction Act (26 U.S.C. §7421)”.

2.        Expanded section 5.2.5 introduction to add Hooven and Allison v. Evatt.

3.        Considerably expanded section

4.        Enhanced and expanded section to better explain the restrictions on levies.

5.        Modifed section 6.3.3 to describe how to circumvent the Anti-Injunction Act.

6.        Added section 8.4.1 entitled “How Does the Government Apply Duress and What is the Remedy for It?”

7.        Added a quote from People v. Naglee to section 5.2.11.



1.        Added several quotes to the beginning of section 1.9.2.

2.        Added a quote from Lysander Spooner to the beginning of section

3.        Added section 8.4.3 entitled “Defending Yourself Against Charges of Being “Frivolous”.

4.        Expanded section 5.4.2 to provide several new court cites that illustrate the requirement for a statutory liability.  Moved section 5.4.2 to section 5.6.1 and renamed it.



1.        Added several more examples of privilege-induced slavery to section 4.4.

2.        Significantly expanded the list of types of duress applied by the government appearing in section 8.4.1.

3.        Expanded section 8.4.3.

4.        Deleted section 9.1: Zero Income Tax Returns.

5.        Added section “Eliminate Your State Driver’s License and Get an International Driver’s Permit”.



1.        Added to section a mention of the Certiorari Act of 1925 and the historical context of the 16th Amendment.

2.        Added section 6.2.1 entitled  “1925:  William H. Taft’s Certiorari Act of 1925”.

3.        Updated section 6.1 to add item 21, the Certiorari Act of 1925.

4.        Updated the Table of Authorities, cases, to eliminate several case name typos.



1.        Modified section 6.2.1 to further clarify it.

2.        Updated section to indicate how to request your nonsanitized IMF.

3.        Expanded section to further clarify whether District of Columbia qualifies as a “state” or a “State”.

4.        Merged section 5.6.7 into section 5.6.1.

5.        Updated section 5.6.13 to explain the use of federal court cites in the response of state tax agencies.

6.        Expanded section 5.2.6 to further clarify the meaning of the term “District of Columbia”.



1.        Added another quote from 1 Cor. 14:33 to the beginning of Chapter 10.

2.        Added section 8.4.8 entitled “Avoid discrediting the tax honesty movement and keep out of trouble.”

3.        Updated and expanded section 6.2.1.

4.        Added section 1.10.9 entitled “The Views Expressed in This Book are Overly Dogmatic or Extreme”.

5.        Changed the phone number on the cover page to a new phone number.

6.        Replaced “” with “” in section 13.1.

7.        Expaned section 1.9.7 to add the Bible book of Esther to that section.

8.        Added section entitled “Change your financial institutions frequently to cover your tracks”.

9.        Expanded section 8.6 to mention the We The People Truth in Taxation Hearing questions.



1.        Replaced all occurrences of “Reinquist” with “Rehnquist”.

2.        Corrected two bad section references in section 6.5.1.

3.        Replaced bad web pointers to Internal Revenue Manual throughout chapters 6,7, and 8 as a result of IRS changes to their website and reorganization of the Internal Revenue Manual..

4.        Added section 1.9.7 entitled “Civil Disobedience to Corrupt Governments is a Biblical Mandate”.

5.        Added section 5.6.2 entitled: “Your income isn’t taxable because it is ‘notes’ and ‘obligations’ of the U.S. government”

6.        Added section 15.12.1 entitled “Letter to Employer in Receipt of an IRS Form 668A/W Notice of Levy”.

7.        Added to section 1.8 a question about political or legal questions from one of our readers.



1.        Expanded section 5.4.4 to mention 1:9:3 and 1:10:1 of the Constitution, which prohibit punishment without a judicial trial.

2.        Updated section to replace “expatriation date” with “expiration date” and add clarification.

3.        Various spelling errors corrected.

4.        Added several quotes to section 4.1 supporting the diagram.

5.        Replaced and modified the definitions of “stare decisis” and “precedent” found in section

6.        Updated section 1.9.7 slightly.

7.        Updated section

8.        Added to the end of section 6.6 a cite of the book entitled Government by Judicary.

9.        Added Prov. 11:5 and 17:18 to Section 2.8.6 introduction.

10.     Added quote from Van Valkenburd v. Brown, 43 Cal. 43 (1872) to section 3.10.10.

11.     Added to section 4.10.2 a quote from Paul v. Virginia, 8 Wall (U.S.) 168; 19 L.Ed 357 (1868).

12.     Added a quote from The Antelope, 23 U.S. 66 (1825), to the beginning of section 5.6.7.

13.     Added a cite to the beginning of section from Data Disc., Inc. v. Systems Tech. Assocs., Inc., 557 F.2d 1280 (9th Cir. 1977).

14.     Added to the beginning of section 8.5.5 a cite from Herriges v. United States, 314 F.Supp. 1352 (1970).

15.     Added two cites on the Internal Revenue Manual to the end of section 3.18.

16.     Added to section 5.6.1 a cite from United States v. Levy, 533 F.2d 969 (1976).

17.     Added to the end of section 7.9.9 a cite from Brafman v. United States, 384 F.2d 863 (1967) regarding assessment certificate validity.

18.     Added to section 8.4.2 a cite from Miller v. Standard Nut Margarine Co., 284 U.S. 498 (1932).

19.     Fixed a bad link to the Treasury organization chart in section 8.4.1.

20.     Added Maness v. Meyers, 419 U.S. 449; 42 L.Ed.2d 574; 95 S.Ct. 584 (1975) to section

21.     Added a cite to sections and from Bouvier’s Law Dictionary on “income tax”.

22.     Expanded section 4.8 to add several more quotes from Downes v. Bidwell clarifying the applicability of Constitutional rights in various parts of the Country.  Added a table showing applicability of findings.

23.     Added a table to section 3.10.8 explaining where the Bill of rights applies.

24.     Added to section 5.2.5 a quote from Downes v. Bidwell.

25.     Expanded section 6.4.4 to correct couple errors and add an analogy about marriage.

26.     Added section 15.4.6: “Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury”.

27.     Expanded section 2.8.6 on Debt, to add a discussion about surety and getting out of it and a reading from Revelation.



1.        Updated the Marriage Contract in section 15.5.2.

2.        Expanded section 3.10.10 on the Fourteenth Amendment.

3.        Retitled and rewrote section 5.6.15 and moved it to 5.6.13.

4.        Renamed section to “Sue Government/Agent In Equity for Violation of Fiduciary Duty, Trespass, and “Truth Evasion” and expanded section.

5.        Updated section 15.5.2 to change introduction.

6.        Added IRM section numbers to section 7.9.3.

7.        Updated section to remove errors.

8.        Updated section 5.6.15 to add mention of the Assimilated Crimes Act, 18 USC 13.



1.        Added section 5.5.8 If You Don’t File, the IRS Can’t File a Substitute Return For You Under 26 U.S.C. §6020(b).

2.        Fixed errors in section 3.8.

3.        Added citations from John 7:24 and Eph. 5:11 to the beginning of chapter 1.

4.        Added to section 1.7 a cite from Proverbs 1:20-33 and Prov. 10:14.

5.        Changed title of section 3.10.10.  Further expanded section 3.10.10 to add more authorities and the history of the Constitution and Articles of Confederation.

6.        Revised and expanded section to add some history about the legal profession.

7.        Expanded beginning of section to further explain what to do with W-4 exempts.

8.        Updated section to add mention of using the the IRS Deposition Questions on our website.



1.        Updated the diagram of Natural Order contained in section 4.1.  Also updated the descriptions of each entity in the diagram.

2.        Added to section 8.4.2 a reference to the U.S. Attorney Manual, section 6-5.330.

3.        Added to section 1.10.9 a cite from John 15:20-25.

4.        Added to section 1.9.1 a cite from John 15-20-21 and mentioned Natural Law and Natural Order.

5.        Rearranged and rewrote sections 1.3.1 and 1.3.4.

6.        Added a quote from John 7: 16-18 to section 1.3.2.

7.        Moved references at end of section 3.10.10 to section and reworded them slightly to remove the term “citizen” and replace it with “national”.

8.        Added a quote about government emblems to the beginning of section 5.6.

9.        Added section 4.5 entitled: “The U.S. is a Republic, not at Democracy”.

10.     Rewrote section 4.6 to add references to Bills of Attainder.11.     Added a quote from Larry Becraft to the beginning of chapter 6 about mocking God.

12.     Added a cite to section 5.2.11 from 81A C.J.S. §29 regarding “sovereignty”.

13.     Added more content to section 4.2, including a cite from Van Valkenburg v. Brown, 43 Cal. 43.

14.     Added a cite from United States v. Wong Kim Ark 169 U.S. 649 to section 4.11.

15.     Appended a quote from IRS Memo 1998-053 to section 5.6.5.

16.     Updated section 3.2 to add the last six commandments and tie them to the two great commandments.



1.        Added to section 4.1 another bible quote and a reference to the First Amendment and a definition of “fiduciary duty”..

2.        Edited section 8.4.3 to correct item 3 in the list of tactics to defend yourself to add quotes from Thomas Jefferson and judges judging law rather than facts.

3.        Added a mention to section of the IRS form W-7 and how it confirms the conclusions in that section.

4.        Added to section 4.11.3 mention of 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(7).

5.        Updated the third column of item 3 in section 3.11.1, table 3-3 to reflect the legal definition of “individual” in 26 CFR 1.1441-1..  Also rewrote column 3 of item 4 in same table to further clarification of the term “taxpayer”.

6.        Added further explanation to section 1.3.4.

7.        Modified the web address in section showing the place to send FOIA requests.

8.        Added a quote from John 15:20 to section 1.9.6. 

9.        Revised section 4.1 to add mention of corporations and several scriptural verses.

10.     Added Questions 3 and 4 to section 1.3.6.

11.     Updated section 1.9.6 to add several questions about biblical examples of disobedience.

12.     Added to section procedures on how to update your U.S. passport and clarification on the meaning of the term “expatriation”.



1.        Added another cite from U.S. v. Cruikshank to section 4.11.3 which talks about how citizenship is voluntary.  Also added to 4.11.3 a quote from the Declaration of Independence.

2.        Added section 5.12: entitled “The Government’s Real Approach Towards Tax Law”

3.        Added section

4.        Added to section 1.11 in item 5 a mention of the affects on the Federal Reserve of ending income taxes.

5.        Added section 2.8.8: entitled “Judicial Tyranny”.

6.        Added section 2.8.9 entitled “Illegal Acts and Legal Obfuscation”.

7.        Added section entitled “What is Money?”.



1.        Added an introduction and quotes from Thomas Jefferson to section 2.8.8.

2.        Expanded and updated the preface to clarify that the IRS is “foreign” and not domestic.

3.        Modified section 5.1.2 to clarify the taxability of pay of elected or appointed officials under Subtitles A and C.

4.        Modified section 5.4.6 to mention judicial tyranny and reference section 2.8.9.

5.        Slightly reworded the first paragraph if section

6.        Rewrote portion of section 4.11 to remove the cite from the Articles of Confederation.

7.        Renamed section 4.5.

8.        Deleted section 3.19.5 and added it to the end of section 5.1.2.

9.        Deleted section 3.19.5 and added a summary of it to section 5.6.6.

10.     Moved section 3.19.4 on Due Process to section 5.4.2 and expanded and renamed it.  Created new subsections under it.

11.     Expanded section 4.11.3 to add some history of why the Fourteenth Amendment was introduced and how it applied the first eight amendments to states.  Also added mention of the “citizenship contract” and how it is fraudulent.

12.     Modified section 1.8 to revise  it slightly and added a quote from Atlas Shrugged about the trial.

13.     Added a quote from Samuel Adams to the beginning of section 8.5.4.

14.     Added a quote by H.L Menchen to section

15.     Updated section 3.10.8 to clarify that rights are a product of residence and not of citizenship.

16.     Added a quote from the Declaration of Independence to section 1.9.7 and rewrote the treatment of lawyers.

17.     Added quotes from Marx and Lenin to the beginning of section 4.5.15.

18.     Added section entitled: “Fifth Amendment Abuses”.

19.     Corrected several grammar and spelling errors throughout document.

20.     Edited the introduction to Chapter 15 to mention that editable, electronic versions of our forms are available online.

21.     Added section 15.6.12 entitled: “Attachment Letter to Request for non-Citizen National Status”.

22.     Expanded section to add addition step, step 11, which is a requirement to get a “Certificate of non-Citizen National Status” and added note 10 to explain how to do this.

23.     Added a quote from Romans 13:1 to section 4.1 and mentioned that the people are sovereigns.

24.  Added to section 3.3 a cite from Romans 13:9-10 as proof of the purpose of law.



1.        Modified section 5.6.10 to add to the differences between us and Schiff the W-4 vs. W-8BEN.

2.        Expanded section to fill in the table much more completely.

3.        Rephrased section 4.1 treatment of Romans 13:1.  Added a quote from Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution regarding contracts.

4.        Expanded section 4.10 entitled “Resident” and added several definitions to it to make it clearer.

5.        Added to section 1.7 by further explaining IRS approach.

6.        Added three new scriptures to the quotes about hate in the beginning of chapter 1 and rewrote it.

7.        Replaced the joke at the beginning of section 1.10.3 with a much funnier one.

8.        Added section 5.6.16.

9.        Replaced all occurrences of “Subtitles A through C” with “Subtitles A and C”.

10.     Added to sections 4.1 and 5.4.1 a cite from 1 Cor. 7:23.  Also added to section 4.1 a cite from Calvin Coolidge about law.

11.     Added a cite from U.S. v. Cruikshank to section 5.4.4.

12.     Updated section to cite examples of judicial abuse where due process is violated.  Added cite from McDonald v. Mabee.

13.     Added section 5.4.13 entitled “Federal Courts Can’t Sentence You To Federal Prison for Tax Crimes if you were a U.S. citizen and the crime was committed outside the federal zone.

14.     Added section “Separation of Money and State”.

15.     Rewrote section 5.6.11 to make it clearer.

16.     Changed the title of Chapter 4 to “Know your citizenship status and rights!” to avoid confusing people into believing that their rights derive from citizenship.  They instead come from where they live.

17.     Revised section 1.3 to add references to Romans 12:2 and James 4:4.

18.     Expanded section 4.4 to mention privilege-induced slavery in the context of marriage.

19.  Added a quote about law from Calvin Coolidge to section 3.4.



1.        Added cite from James 1:25 to section 1.7.

2.        Expanded section to mention sources of conflict of interest for federal judges and how to have a judge dismissed from your case because of conflict of interest.  Also added scriptural cites backing up the position of conflict of interest.

3.        Improved language in section 4.1 to make it clearer.

4.        Expanded section 4.2 to cite Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 on the subject of rights.

5.        Further enhanced section 5.6.7 to mention the commerce clause.

6.        Added to the beginning of section 5.6.13 a cite from U.S. v. Delaware & Hudson Co., 213 U.S. 366 (1909).

7.        Added to the beginning of section 5.4.2 a cite from 26 CFR 601.106.

8.        Added to the beginning of section a cite from Berends v. Butz regarding sovereign immunity.

9.        Added to section 4.11.3 a cite from U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898).

10.     Rewrote section 1.9.7 slightly to make it clearer.

11.     Added section 2.17: Last Will and Testament of Jesse Cornish.

12.     Added a cite from Psalms 50:16-23 to section 4.1.

13.     Added to section 4.2 two cites from Murdock v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 319 U.S. 105 (1943).

14.     Added a cite from Commonwealth of Virginia, 359 U.S. 344; 79 S.Ct. 838; 3 L.Ed.2d 865 (1959) to be beginning of section 5.11.

15.     Added section 4.17 entitled “How Do We Assert our First Amendment Rights and How Does the Government Undermine Them?”.

16.     Added a quote from U.S. v. Dodd to the beginning of section 3.14.

17.     Added section 4.11.8 on “Expatriation”.

18.     Rewrote the end of section 5.5.1 to correct an error and say that you are not a “resident alien” if you are a “U.S. national”.

19.     Modified section 4.11.6 title and body to replace “federal citizen” with “U.S. citizen”.

20.     Added to the Preface mention of additional contributors, including:  We the People; Donald Macpherson, and identified specific individuals who are attorneys.

21.     Corrected several spelling errors in sections 5.4.2 and 7.1.

22.  Rewrote section to further clarify the burden of proof, and show how the law of presumptions is abused by the government.



1.        Added a cite from Acts 5:27-29 to section 4.1.

2.        Added a cite from Romans 14:10-12 to section 4.1.

3.        Corrected an error at the beginning of section 5.1.2 about Subtitle A income taxes NOT being excise taxes.

4.        Expanded section 2.7 to add an introduction and mention what it means to be an American.

5.        Added section 2.7.2: The Commie Lesson.

6.        Added an introduction to section 2.8.

7.        Renamed section 2.7.3.

8.        Added another cite from Olmstead v. United States to section 7.10.

9.        Added a quote from Sun Tzu to the beginning of chapter 8.

10.     Updated the diagram in section 4.1 to make it clearer.

11.     Edited section 1.9.7 to make it clearer.

12.     Revised the beginning of Chapter 1 to mention that those who accuse the author of spreading a message of hate are hypocrites and commit blasphemy against God.

13.     Added section 15.8.10: IRS form W-8/W-8BEN Attachment.

14.     Added an email from a reader to the end of section 4.14.5.

15.     Added items 1.5 to section about not using an Administrator account.

16.     Added item 1.17 to section about using mirrored drives.

17.     Changed the title of section 4.8.

18.     Changed the title of section 1.7.  Added a quote from Attorney Larry Becraft to this section.

19.     Added to section 1 intro a cite to our website series entitled “A Call for Discernment”.  Also added comment that the book is not a message of hate, but of love.  Also added a cite from Marbury v. Madison to the introduction and mentioned the Void for Vagueness doctrine.

20.     Expanded the introduction in Chapter 5 to reveal the sources we looked at to confirm the accuracy of what we say.

21.     Added to section a subsection entitled “Response to Frequently Asked Question”.

22.     Modified section 3.11.1 to point to the Income Tax Freedom Forms and Instructions area of our website so people can look up the definitions for themselves.

23.     Updated section 4.11.3 to mention U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark and explain contradictions between it and Elk v. Wilkins.  Also added reference to the definition of “United States” in 26 USC 7701(a)(9).  Also clarified the distinction between “U.S. citizen” in Title 26 and “citizen of the United States”.  Also added table 4-5 to this section.

24.     Added a cite from Col. 2:8 to the beginning of section 3.11.1.

25.     Added to section 4.1 cites from Isaiah 33:22 Col. 2:10, Col. 2:20, Like 21.17, James 4:10, and Romans 14:11. 

26.     Added to section 1.7 a cite from Isaiah 47:10-11.

27.     Added to the beginning of section 5.4.1 a cite from Col. 4:1.

28.     Added to the beginning of section 8.5.4 a cite from Col. 4:5-6.

29.     Added a cites from James 3:17 and Phil. 2:3-4 to the beginning of section

30.    Added to section 4.11.8 a cite from Afroyim v. Rusk, 387 U.S. 253 (1967).



1.        Fixed several spelling and grammar errors in Chapters 1, 4, and 8.

2.        Added a cite to section 1 intro from Conally v. General Construction Co. 269 U.S. 285.

3.        Added to section 4.1 a cite from Gal. 5:18 and a quote from John Stuart Mill.  Also added a cite from U.S. v. Moylan.

4.        Added a quote to the end of section

5.        Added a quote from Samuel Adams about Virtue to section 1.7.

6.        Added a quote from Harry Truman to the beginning of section 8.2.

7.        Added a quote from Abraham Lincoln to the Preface on liberty.

8.        Added a quote from John Locke to the beginning of section 5.6.7.

9.        Added a quote from Robert Nozick to the beginning of section 2.8.1.

10.     Added a quote from William Pitt to the beginning of section 2.8.7 on necessity.

11.     Added to the beginning of section 5.2 a quote on taxes from Will Rogers.

12.     Added a quote from Mark Twain to the beginning of section 5.6.

13.     Added to section 2.9 a quote from Alexander Fraser Tyler.

14.     Added a quote to section 15.12 from Robert Heinlein.

15.     Added to the beginning of section 6.6 a quote from Henry Thoreau.

16.     Added to section 5.1 a quote from Dave Barry.

17.     Added to section 6.2 a quote from Henry Kissinger and Nikita Khrushchev.

18.     Added quotes from Albert Einstein and John Grisham and Tacitus to section 5.12.

19.     Added to section 1.10.4 a quote from Katharine Graham.

20.     Added a quote from David Crockett to section 1.9.2.

21.     Added a quote from Peter T. Bauer to section 2.7.3.

22.     Added to section 4.4 a quote from Frank Herbert.

23.     Added a quote from Frank Lloyd Wright to the beginning of section 7.9.

24.     Added a quote from Tim Freeman to section 1.9.7.

25.     Added a quote from Voltaire to the beginning of section 4.4.

26.     Added a quote to the beginning of section 5.3.

27.     Added a quote from Robert Heinlein to the beginning of section 5.4.3.

28.     Added a quote from John Keyes to section

29.     Added a quote from Jean Colbert to section

30.     Added a quote to the beginning of section 2.8.8 from Dave Barry.

31.     Added a quote from Dave Barry to section 7.7.

32.     Added a quote from Caesar to section 7.9.3.

33.     Added a quote from Dick Armey to the beginning of section 6.2.

34.     Added a quote from Dick Armey to the beginning of section 6.7.

35.     Added a quote from Sheldon Banoff to the beginning of section 7.2.

36.     Added a quote from President Coolidge to the beginning of section

37.     Added a quote from Bob Goddard to the beginning of section 7.9.2.

38.     Added a quote from President Ronald Reagan to the beginning of section 5.6.5.

39.     Added a quote from Will Rogers to the beginning of section 5.10.

40.     Added a quote from George Barzan to the end of section 6.3.1.

41.     Added a quote from William Feather to the beginning of section 1.9.6.

42.     Added a quote from Karl Marx to the beginning of section 2.7.4.

43.     Added a quote from Frank Luntz to the beginning of section

44.     Added a quote from Jeff Daiell to the beginning of section

45.     Added a quote from Walter Wriston to the beginning of section 6.3.4.

46.     Added a quote from Michael Graetz to the beginning of section 6.3.5.

47.     Added a quote from Steven Forbes to section 3.11.

48.     Added a quote from Bill Vaughan to section 2.7.5.

49.     Added a quote from James Madison in the Federalist #46 to section 4.6.

50.     Added a quote from federalist paper #78, Alexander Hamilton, to section 4.1.  Also added to this section a pointer to the list of God’s laws on our website.  Also added a cite from Isaiah 40:15.  Also added a cite from Matt. 13:44.

51.     Added a cite from Eph. 2:19 to section 4.11.3 on citizenship.

52.     Rewrote the end of section 1.11 to add that traffic congestion would go down with fewer women in the workforce.  Also added that voting rights should be removed from anyone who takes more from the government than they earn.

53.     Rewrote the introduction to section 4.1.

54.     Added a quote from Gal. 5:18 to the beginning of section 3.2.

55.     Updated section 15.8.10, W-8 attachment, to reorganize it and make it more readable.

56.     Added Table 1 right after the Preface, clearly explaining graphically the meaning of “state” and “State”.

57.    Modified chapter 14 to replace the definitions of “state” and “State” with those in the preface.

58.   Rewrote the introduction to Chapter 5.



1.        Added to section 4.1, table 4-1, a new entry for Regulations and renamed the entry called “Statutes and Regulations” to make it say “Statutes” only.  Added a quote from 2 Tim. 3:1-5.  Also added a quote from Matt. 11:28-30 and a definition of “yoke” from Easton’s Bible Dictionary.

2.        Rearranged section 2.1.

3.        In section, corrected the year that Jefferson wrote the letter to the Danbury Baptist church from 1881 to 1801.

4.        Fixed missing pictures in sections 1.9.6 and 4.11.3.

5.        Rewrote the introduction to section 5.6.11.

6.        Added section entitled “Introduction and definitions” explaining the 861 position.

7.        Modified heading of table 5-18 in section

8.        Rewrote section to make it clearer and more complete.

9.        Rewrote section 2.8.1 to make it clearer.

10.     Slightly revised section 2.8.2 to make it clearer.

11.     Added to section 4.17 a mention of 18 U.S.C. §597 and rephrased the paragraph above that cite.

12.     Added a quote on liberty to the beginning of Chapter 1.

13.     Added a link to the SSA website to section

14.     Added to section 2.8.2 a definition of the “beast” from Rev. 19:19.

15.     Added a link to the SSA website to section

16.     Added a pointer to the end of section 5.6.6 to the book Constitutional Income and to Phil Hart’s website.  Also added 10 key facts to this section from Phil Hart’s book.

17.     Changed the title of section 5.6.8.

Corrected the formatting of several quotes in chapter 6.



1.        Corrected grammar errors in section 6.2.1.

2.        Corrected and expanded the cite from Federalist Paper #78 in section 4.1.

3.        Added to section item #4, separation of money and state.

4.        Modified section 7.1 to make it clearer.

5.        Added pointers to the deposition questions, Section 11 to the end of section 5.6.11.

6.        Added pointers to the deposition questions, Section 14, to the end of section 4.11.

7.        Renamed section 7.1 from “IRS Mission Statement And Authority” to “IRS Origins and Mission” and put several subsections underneath it.

8.        Added a cite from Hale Contracting v. United New Mexico Bank to the beginning of section 7.4.2.

9.        Added a cite from Davis v. Passman to the beginning of section 7.9.

10.     Added a cite from Laird v. Tatum, 408 U.S. 1 (1972) to the beginning of section

11.     Added more examples and explanation to section about watching your use of the word “taxpayer”.

12.     Added a quote from Art Rolnick to the beginning of section 2.8.4.

13.     Added a quote from Tupper Saucy to the beginning of section 2.8.5.

14.     Added a cite to the beginning of section from John Keyes.

15.     Added to the beginning of section 4.11.3 a quote from Jonathan Swift.

16.     Added a quote from Benjamin Franklin to the beginning of section 4.11.

17.     Modified section 7.9.10 to further explain “due process of law”.  Added a definition of “due process of law”.

18.     Significantly expanded the expatriation notice found in section 15.6.9.

19.     Modified the beginning of chapter 5 to add mention of how our public disservants have made the federal zone into a haven for criminal financial terrorists.

20.     Modified section to add more detail to the steps at the beginning and mention the “IRS Form W-8/W-8BEN Attachment” in section 15.8.10.

21.     Added a pointer to section 2 of the IRS Deposition Questions at the end of section 5.4.1.

22.  Added a pointer to section 3 of the IRS Deposition Questions at the end of section 5.2.



1.        Corrected sections 7.1.3 and 7.1.5, which had invalid references to nonexistent questions.

2.        Rewrote the end of the introduction to Chapter 1 to add a comeback to scoffers of this book.  Added a quote from Romans 13:9.

3.        Rewrote part of to make it clearer and more explicit.

4.        Added to section 1.10.5 another requirement that if taxes are mandatory, entitlement programs must not be allowed.

5.        Added a quote from Karl Marx to section 1.9.2.

6.        Added to section 4.11.3 a legal dictionary definition of “naturalization”

7.        Added to section 5.2.11 a definition of “dual citizenship” from Black’s Law Dictionary.

8.        Moved the “NOTES” section just before the Table of Contents to the second page of the book and renamed it to “Where to get copies of this book”.  Then revised this section to correct some errors.

9.        Added several new entries to the “Testimonials” section at the beginning of the book.

10.     Added to section 5.4.7 a pointer to section 9-4.139 of the U.S. Attorney Manual showing that there is no agency with investigative jurisdiction for tax crimes!

11.     Renamed section 7.6 to “IRS Doctoring of Tax Returns (Fraud) and IMF” and expanded it.

12.     Modified several places throughout most chapters to clarify that Subtitle A income taxes only apply to federal corporations involved in foreign commerce.  Also mentioned that Subtitles D and E allow for excise taxes outside the federal zone on state corporations, but only if they are involved in foreign commerce.

13.     Added to section 5.6.6 a large cite from Flint v. Stone Tracy, 220 U.S. 107 (1911) explaining that federal excise taxes can only be on foreign commerce and as governed by statute.

14.     Added more detail to section 4.9 under item 7 mentioning foreign commerce.

15.  Added item 10 under the Downes v. Bidwell cite pointing out that direct taxes and Constitutional rights are mutually exclusive.



1.        Added another reason for licensing to section

2.        Added a quote from Joshua Chapter 7 to section 1.9.6.

3.        Updated section 3.3 to add a quote from Prov. 3:30.

4.        Added a mention of Prov. 27:2 to the Testimonials section.

5.        Added a cite from Prov. 28:4 to the Introduction of chapter 1 and section 1.3.2.

6.        Added a quote from Paul A. Smith to the beginning of section 2.8.1.

7.        Added section 2.8.1 entitled “Lies, Propaganda and Political Warfare”.

8.        Added a quote from Barrett Kalellis to the beginning of section 2.7.3.

9.        Added another quote from Barrett Kalellis to the beginning of section 2.1.

10.     Added a quote from Chris Hansen to the beginning of section 2.6.

11.     Added a cite of 8 USC 1101(a)(40) to the beginning of section 2.7.1.

12.     Rearranged sections under section 2.8 to make the flow more logical.

13.     Added Obstruction of Justice to the DISCLAIMER at the beginning, citing 18 USC chapter 73.

14.     Updated section 4.5.10 to mention verified affidavits and Federalist paper #78. 

15.  Added a quote from Alexander Tyler on the self-destruction of democracy to section 4.5.11.



1.        Added a mention of the book “Original Intent” to the introduction to chapter 6.

2.        Corrected several spelling and grammar errors in the first few chapters.

3.        Added a mention of the book “Why You Can’t Stay Silent” to the introduction to chapter 1.

4.        Added books “Original Intent” and “Why You Can’t Stay Silent” to the list of books in section 13.2.

5.        Added section 2.18: America?

6.        Added a cite from Matthew 23:23 from section 1.9.6.

7.        Added feedback from Johnny Liberty on this book to the Testimonials Section.

8.        Added a cite from Prov. 12:24 to section 1.7.

9.        Added section 4.11.5 entitled “Citizenship and all political rights are INVOLUNTARILY exercised and therefore CANNOT be taxable and cannot be called ‘privileges’”

10.     Moved section 4.7 to section 4.4 (entitled “Fundamental Rights: Granted by God and Cannot be Regulated by Government”)

11.  Added section 4.5 entitled: “You as the Sovereign are not subject to the Constitution, but SERVANTS IN GOVERNMENT are”



1.        Rewrote section 4.5 slightly.

2.        Expanded section 4.12.5 to mention that life itself is involuntary.

3.        Expanded section to clarify the issues further.

4.        Renamed and expanded section 4.11 from “Resident” to “’Residence’ and ‘Domicile’”.

5.        Added a cite from 1 Tim. 1:9-11 to the beginning of section 3.2 and to section 4.1.

6.        Updated sections 4.12.6 and to further clarify “U.S. national” status.

7.        Expanded section 4.12.3 to mention the lack of correlation between “U.S. citizens” and “citizens of the United States” and the case of Spreckels Sugar Refining Co. v. McClain, 192 U.S. 297 (1904).

8.        Modified section to make it clearer.

9.        Added to section additional options to change the definitions of terms on government forms.

10.     Reworte part of the Preface.

11.     Added a requirement for antivirus software to section  Corrected errors in the Group Policy Editor settings.

12.     Updated section to correspond with the latest offerings of Capsoft based on reader questions.

13.     Expanded section to add a mention of how to say a “conditional yes” in order to keep the IRS on the hotseat.

14.  Changed the title of section 4.12.6 and completely rewrote sections 4.12.6 and



1.        Added a quote about bravery to the beginning of Chapter 1.

2.        Expanded section 4.12.5 to add an article about the right to not be born and corrected grammar errors in that section.

3.        Expanded section 5.4.9 to mention USAM section 9-4.139.

4.        Corrected facts and grammar in section

5.        Added to section 1.9.1 a cite from Jer. 17:5-8.

6.        Added to section 4.1 a cite from Jeremiah 16-17 and Jer. 17:5-8.

7.        Added to section an explanation of why Alaska and Hawaii are mentioned in the definition of “United States” found in 8 U.S.C. §1101(a)(38) since the other “States” in that definition were federal states.  Also added a definition of “United States” as a federal corporation.

8.        Added to the beginning of section 4.12.9 a cite from Tomoya Kawakita v. United States, 190 F.2d 506 (1951).

9.        Added another testimonial to the book section at the beginning.

10.     Added section entitled “Quit Social Security and Rescind Your Social Security Number”.

11.  Added form 4029 to section 5.1.1 and corrected several bad IRS website links in section 15.1 and subsections.



1.        Added a note to the beginning of section 15.1.1 about the IRS obfuscating URLs to break links inside of Acrobat documents.

2.        Expanded section 5.6.13 to list ten civil liberty abuses of the income tax with footnotes.  Revised table to remove statutory references and focus on the Constitution.

3.        Added to the intro to Chapter 1 a cite from Title 1:10-16 and Prov. 6:23..

4.        Added section 2.8.1: Deception: The Religion of SATAN!

5.        Added to section 2.17 a cite from Prov. 13:22.

6.        Added to the beginning of section 8.9 a cite from Eph. 4:28-29.

7.        Added two more scriptures from Proverbs to section 1.9.2.

8.        Added section 2.8.3 entitled “Presumption”

9.        Renamed section 2.8.4 to “Propaganda and Political Warfare”



1.        Updated section 5.2.5 to clarify the treasury regulation definition of “United States”.

2.        Modified section to replace “federally chartered corporations” with ”all corprorations, state and federal, that are involved in foreign commerce”.

3.        Added to the end of section 2.8.1 a quote from Psalms 52.

4.        Expanded section 2.8.1 to mention George Barna’s statistical research and additional scriptures. Also pointed the finger back towards us as the source of most of the problems.

5.        Modified the explanation under the definition of “state” in the DEFINITIONS section at the beginning to mention 40 USC 319c.

6.        Modified section 5.2.5 to clarify that only Subtitles A through C and not all of the Internal Revenue Code are applicable inside the federal zone.

7.        Added subsections under section 1.3.6: Frequently Asked Questions.

8.        Added to section 2.8.4 the rebutted versions of the IRS Frivolous Taxpayer Arguments and the Congressional Research Service report 97-59A.

9.        Added an additional paragraph to the end of section on frivolous penalties.

10.     Expanded section to add another paragraph to the end.

11.     Updated section to further clarify that the Supermee Court refuses to use the word “sovereignty” in its citizenship rulings.

12.     Minor corrections in the letter in section 15.6.12 regarding certificates of non-citizen national status.

13.     Expanded the cite from Downes v. Bidwell found in section 4.10 to make subsequent discussion more understandable.

14.     Added additional conclusions to the end of section 4.5.8 to suggest ways to remedy the problems documented in the section.

15.     Added section 11.3 entitled “Authorities on Jurisdiction of Federal Courts”

16.     Renamed section 11.4 to “History of Federal Territorial Jurisdiction” and then moved it to section 11.2.1.

17.     Completely rearranged chapter 11 to make it more logical and hierarchical.

18.     Revised sections 15.9.1 and 15.10.1 to remove mentions of meeting the burden of proof under 26 USC 7491.  Added item 5.1 under Section 1 for each letter stating that I am a “nontaxpayer” who reserves all his rights.

19.  Renamed sections 4.12.6 and to remove “Natural Born Sovereign” phrase.

10/28/02 2.83

1.        Corrected table 4-5 of section 4.12.3 to add definition of “citizen of United States” under Title 8.

2.        Added a joke to the beginning of section 1.8 about politics.

3.        Expanded section to prove that heaven is a “foreign state” and we are “ministers” of that foreign state.  Also added a reference to 40 USC 319c and a reference to Hooven and Allison v. Evatt.

4.        Added a quote from Psalms 82 to the beginning of section 2.8.12 on Judicial Tyranny.

5.        Modified the definitions of “U.S. citizen” and “U.S. national” and add “citizen of the United States” to the glossary at the beginning of the book to describe where each term is defined.

6.        Modified the Preface slightly.

7.        Corrected an error in the introductory paragraph of section

8.        Expanded section 8.4.1 to further explain how duress is instituted by our government.

9.        Modified section 8.4.6 to connect it with section 2.8.2 and chapters 4 and 5.

10/30/02 2.84

1.        Expanded the definitions of “U.S. citizen” and “U.S. National” in the Definitions section at the beginning.

2.        Expanded section 8.4.1 to include additional means of duress.

3.        Added section

4.        Rewrote the Preface slightly.

5.        Updated a bad link in section

6.        Corrected bad links in section 5 intro and section 5.6.5.

7.        Added another step to the end of section 4.12.9 to indicate that you need to be careful to rebut everyone and everything that says you are a “U.S. citizen”.  Also added warnings about retaining original copies.

8.        Further explained section definition of “State”.

9.        Replaced most instanced of “50 states” with “50 Union states” to remove any lingering confusion.

10.     Updated the second page of the book entitled “Where to Get Copies of This Book” to mention printing chapters in modular fashion.

11.     Added a definition of “sovereignty” to the DEFINITIONS section at the beginning.

12.     Added to section 2.8.2 a cite from U.S. v. Slater showing the presumption.

13.     Added section 4.18.

14.      Changed section 8.4.1 to modify the status of citizenship to make it involuntary because of the way the courts treat it.

11/1/02 2.85

1.        Added mention of the Fifteenth and Nineteenth Amendments to the end of section

2.        Revised section 4.6 slightly to make clearer.

3.        Updated section 4.12.5 to add definitions of “political rights” and “citizen” and explain the connection between the two.  Also explained why “U.S. nationals” should have political rights.

4.        Corrected error in section and added mention of the Fifteenth and the Nineteenth Amendments.

5.        Rewrote parts of section to make it clearer and less confusing.

6.        Rewrote section to make it clearer.

7.       Updated section 15.6.2 to add details about Enclosure (c ), which was not previously explained.

11/9/02 2.86

1.        Updated the wording of the Preface slightly.

2.        Updated the cite from Matt. 13:24-33 in section 1.7.

3.        Modified 4.12.5 to remove the word “inextricable” and expanded the discussion of voter apathy.

4.        Updated intro to chapter 4.

5.        Added to the end of section 4.12.5 a web address that points to a listing of political rights by state.

6.        Modified section 5.1.2 to remove the word “liable” and replace with “jurisdiction” and “imposed” to remove confusion.

7.        Added to section 2.8.2 a mention of government forms as an important source of false presumptions.

8.        Replaced all occurrences of “voire dir” with “voir dire”.

9.        Corrected several spelling errors pointed out by John VanHove.

10.     Modified the definition of “income” under “Conventions Used In This Book” to remove references to “federally chartered corporations” and replace with “corporations involved with foreign commerce”.

11.     Modified section reference to15.13.8 to 15.15.5.

12.     Modified section to remove references to Lynne Meredith’s Freedom Mall website.

13.     In tables 5-5 and 5-20, replaced “federal corporations” with “corporations involved in foreign commerce”.

14.     Added item #4 to section about junk mail.

15.     Updated section to add a quote from the Federalist # 79.

16.     Changed $70,000 in section 1.4 to $76,000.

17.     Fixed spelling error in section 1.3.6.

18.     Added to section 11.3.5 a U.S. reports cite for Amer. Ins. Co. v. 356 Bales of Cotton.

19.     Replaced “50 states” with “50 union states” in chapters 5 through 11 to remove all lingering confusion.

20.     Updated section 5.10 to mention the IRS Fifth Amendment response and how to deal with it.

21.     Modified cover page to change authorship.

22.     Added two additional items to the list in the introduction to chapter 1.

23.     Added a cite from Prov. 19:2 to section 1.7.

24.     Added quotes to the beginning of sections and

25.     Added a quote to the beginning of section

26.     Updated the description of capitalization rules in the preface to make it clearer.

27.     Added additional entries to table 8-9 in section

28.     Added a cite from the U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 2, Clause 3 to section 6.6.2.

29.     Expanded section 4.12.4 to discuss state-only citizenship.

30.     Rewrote section 4.12.6 to remove all references to “Natural Born Sovereign Citizens” and “Pure State Citizens”, because this is now covered in section 4.12.4.

31.     Added section 8.4.6: The Notary Protest Method.

11/11/02 2.87

1.        Added a paragraph to the end of section 4.18.

2.        Considerably expanded section to add more explanation of how to discern “legislative” regulations from “interpretive” regulations.

3.        Fixed minor grammar errors in section 2.8.2.

4.        Added a cite to section from Federal Tax Research: Guide to Materials and Techniques, p. 40 regarding rules of statutory construction.

5.        Updated section 4.12.6 to remove grammar errors.  Expanded section 4-7.

6.        Updated section 4.12.9 to explain the two types of expatriation and the two types of citizenship you can have at the conclusion of each.

7.        Expanded section

8.        Expanded section 7.1.1 to add more details on the origins of the IRS.

9.        Expanded section

10.     Expanded section Also added to the end a pointer to an article by Dan Meador.

11.     Expanded section 11.5.1.

12.     Amended section to add several other criteria for challenging jurisdiciton.

13.     Added section 2.8.5: Deliberate Ignorance of Public Servants.

14.     Moved section 8.4.6, the Notary Protest Method section, underneath section 8.4.4 to section and expanded the section.

15.     Updated the Natural Order Diagram in section 4.1 to add links to the Constitution and God’s Law for the Trial Jury.

16.     Added to section 4.1 a cite from Isaiah 54:4-8 and Romans 1:24-25.

17.     Added a cite from Luke 17:3 to the beginning of Chapter 1.

18.     Added a cite from John 10:1-9 to section 3.11.1.

19.     Added section 8.4.6: Relation Back Doctrine Condemns Administrative Tax Liens and Levies.

20.     Rewrote and clarified sections and

11/17/02 2.88

1.        Expanded section 4.12.3 to mention 10 U.S.C. 532.

2.        Added “U.S. citizens” to table 4-1 in section 4.1.

3.        Added section 5.4.2: No Taxation Without Consent.

4.        Added to section 5.1.1 IRS form 4868.

5.        Added a cite of Matt. 6:33 to section 1.9.4.

6.        Added a cite from Luke 12:45-47 to section 4.1.

7.        Added section 1.9.8.

8.        Added to section 1.9.4 item 5 about Luke 18:9-14.

9.        Added to section a cite from Matt. 6:2.

10.     Added to the beginning of Chapt. 1 intro a cite from Luke 9:23, Matt. 16:24-25, John 17:16-19, 2 Tim. 3:16-17, Matt. 19:23-24, and 2 Tim. 2:24-26.

11.     Added another joke to the beginning of section 6.3.

12.     Added a joke about a preacher to the beginning of section 6.7.

13.     Eliminated the reference to Lynne Meredith’s Vultures in Eagles Clothing book in section 1.9.9, since her website has been shut down.

14.     Added mention of Dan Meador to section 9.5.

15.     Updated the introduction to chapter 2 to define the scope of the chapter.

16.     Updated the beginning of chapter 7 to indicate why we are studying the enemy before we offer solutions.

17.     Added a mention to the preface that this book is one big Petition for Redress of Grievances.  Also added cites from Psalms 101:3-4 and Psalms 119:37-38.

18.     Added to section 4.1 cites from both Psalms 94:20-23 and Psalms 89:11-12.

19.     Added to section a cite from Psalms 119:71-72 and Isaiah 9:6.

20.     Added a quote from Isaiah 30:1-3, 8014 to section 2.8.1.

21.     Considerably expanded section using materials from Richard Cornforth’s course entitled “Secrets of the Legal Industry”.

22.  Added a definition of “void judgment” to the preface.

11/22/02 2.89

1.        Corrected spelling errors in section 2.8.1.

2.        Modified section to remove references to Taxgate website and make it more generic.

3.        Added weblinks to most supreme court cases in section  Also added new information about the requirements for a judgment to be void.

4.        Added to section 1.3.3 a cite from Matt. 16:6-12.

5.        Modified section 4.12.3 to mention 1:9:4 and 1:2:3 of the Constitution, which exempt direct taxes in the union states.

6.        Modified section 5.6.10 to add that person who use the “W-4” make themselves into “employees”, which are elected or appointed officers of the United States Government.

7.        Corrected bad section references in sections and

8.        Added another cited from Elk v. Wilkins, 112 U.S. 94, to section 4.12.3.  Also expanded the end of this section to clarify the relationship between state and “U.S. citizen” status and why the Fourteenth Amendment had to be adopted.

9.        Expanded section 4.12.9 on Expatriation to mention other things you surrender by renouncing “U.S. citizen” status.

10.     Corrected errors in section 5.7 in the definition of “trade or business in the United States” by referring to 26 U.S.C. §864 instead of 26 U.S.C. §7701 for the definition of “trade or business within the United States”.

11.     Updated section 15.6.5 to change the definition of “effectively connected with a trade or business in the United States” to point to 26 U.S.C. §864 instead of 26 U.S.C. §7701.

12.     Added more material to section provided by Tim Harrington.

13.     Expanded section 8.2 to add Bob Shulz’ speech for the Freedom Drive 2002.

11/28/02 2.90

1.        Expanded section

2.        Added section 4.16.

3.        Expanded section to further explain how to avoid charges of being frivolous by adding mention of filing an affidavit with each pleading.

4.        Added section entitled “Requirements for a valid affidavit”.

5.        Expanded section 3.11.1 to add a joke entitled “Hu’s on First?”.

6.        Expanded section 2.8.1 to mention the Book of Judges in the Bible and its implication as far as Barna’s research.

7.        Added section 2.19:  Grateful Slave.

8.        Added section 2.20:  Economics 101.

9.        Added an additional paragraph to the beginning of section 5.6.6.

10.     Updated section 15.8.10 to change the signature block at the end to include a reservation or rights and rearranged the stipulations.

11.     Expanded section to provide replacement words for the government’s presumptuous words.

12.     Updated table 4-7 in section 4.12.6 to change the status under “Your status” for the first two rows.

12/1/02 2.91

1.        Updated section 3.11.1 to correct grammar errors at end of chapter related to paragraph introducing “Hu’s on First”.

2.        Updated section 2.8.2 to add “Legitimate authority presumptions”.

3.        Updated section to reflect latest offerings of VersusLaw.

4.        Revised section to make it clearer.

5.        Updated section 8.4.5. to point to other sections dealing with “presumption”.

6.        Added section  Litigate the RIGHT issues.

7.        Expanded section 1.3.5 to indicate areas we need help with.

8.        Added “Washington Rules” and a definition of “communism” to the beginning of chapter 5.

9.        Slightly revised section to make it clearer.

10.     Added section 5.2.12.

11.     Expanded the disclaimer at the beginning to add Bank Robber as a cause of action under 18 U.S.C. §2113.

12.     Removed inheritance taxes from section 11.3.9 and replaced them with Excise taxes on foreign commerce.

13.     Expanded section to add a quote from The Law of Nations, Book 1, Section 18.

14.     Expanded section to add a comparison table between three types of citizenship the shows the privileges and rights of each.

15.     Updated section 5.7 to correct the definition of “wages”, the conclusions, and make it clearer.

16.  Added section

12/11/02 2.92

1.        Added an introduction to section 2.19.

2.        Updated section 11.3.9 to add violation of Constitutional Rights by State Officials.

3.        Added section to correspond with changes to the original document on the IRS website.

4.        Corrected cite from Higley v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue in section 5.6.1 and posted ruling on website.

5.        Expanded section 1.9.1 to add a table comparing idolatry to Christianity.  Also renamed that chapter to add the word “religion” at the end.

6.        Modified the DISCLAIMER at the beginning to add one more sentence.

7.        Expanded section to add the prepared speech of Shelly Davis at the Congressional hearings in 1998.

8.        Added several additional elements of commerce to section

9.        Updated table 5-9 in section 5.3.1 to add “state-only nationals”.  Also changed “foreign national” to “foreign national/U.S.** alien”.

10.     Changed table 5-8 of section 5.3 so that “’U.S. national’ and ‘nonresident alien’” was changed to “’U.S. national’ and ‘nonresident alien’ and ‘state-only national’”.

11.     Expanded section to add a cite from White v. Hopkins, 51 F.2d 159 (1931).

12.     Expanded section 2.8.2 to add “IRS Presumption of Correctness”.

13.     Added to section 5.4.6 a cite from 26 U.S.C. 6703.

14.     Added section

12/17/02 2.93

1.        Removed the All About Freedom website from section 13.1.

2.        Removed the All About Freedom website from section 15.1.3.

3.        Corrected the title of section

4.        Corrected several spelling errors (7).

5.        Added a picture to the beginning of section 1.9.1.

6.        Expanded section to make it clearer.  Added a cite from Freeman v. Mayer, 152 F.Supp. 383 (1957).

7.        Expanded section to add a cite from Heller v. Plave, 743 F.Supp. 1553.

8.        Added a missing item IX to section 2.1, the Code of Ethics for Government Employees.

9.        Updated sections 15.9.1 and 15.10.1 to add the missing item IX to the Code of Ethics for Government Employees.

10.     Renamed section 5.2.12 and added a web address for the Ward case instead of a hyperlink.

11.     Expended section 4.12.3 to add a definition of “territory” from the U.S. Supreme Court in Cunard S.S. Co. v. Mellon, 262 U.S. 100; 42 S.Ct. 504 (1923).

12.     Added to section 5.6.6. a cite from the Supreme Court, Proprieters of Charles River Bridge v. Proprieters of, 36 U.S. 420 (1837).

13.     Updated section 2.8.2 to add cite from Basso v. Utah Power and Light Company, 495 F.2d 906 (1974) about federal jurisdiction.  Also added a cite from United States v. Hover, 268 F.2d 657 (1959).

14.     Expanded section 2.8.5 to add a cite from Hale Contracting v. United New Mexico Bank, 799 P.2d 581 (1990).

15.     Added a cite from United States Ex. Rel. Shore v. O’Leary, 833 F.2d 663 (7th Cir. 1987) to section 5.1.2.

16.     Added to section 5.6.15 a cite from Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth, page 581.

17.     Expanded the introduction to chapter 5 to add two new resources that we looked at for evidence contradicting this book.

18.     Added to section 6.1 a mention of the book entitled “The Work and Jurisdiction of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, 1948”.

19.     Corrected typos in sections 5.3.4 and 5.3.5.

20.     Corrected typo in section

21.     Section, table 5-21, updated last column under item #8.

22.     Removed a section reference form section 5.7 in the box at the end under item #5.

23.     Revised and enhanced the table in section 1.9.1.

24.     Added section 5.4.14 entitled “Your Private Employer Isn’t Authorized to Act as a ‘withholding agent’”.

25.     Added the full cite of Lewis v. United States to section

26.     Expanded section 5.5.4 to add several other crimes inside the 50 states that come under federal jurisdiction.

27.     Removed several extraneous characters from the cites in section 8.4.6.

28.     Updated section 15.9.1 to add a link for enclosure (5).

29.     Updated section 15.10.1 to add a link for enclosure (6).

30.     Added section and considerably revised and expanded section the parent section

31.  Added section and expanded section

12/20/02 2.94

1.        Rewrote section 1.9.1 to make it clearer.

2.        Updated sections 3.17.5, 5.6.6, 5.6.7,, 15.8.3, 15.8.4, 15.9.1, and section 15.2.1, question 5.4, 15.10.1, to change the name of “Staples v. U.S.” to “Stapler v. U.S.” and removed an erroneous part of that cite in some cases.

3.        Removed the reference to Brushaber case in section 5.6.7,, and 15.2.1 question 5.4.

4.        Replaced all occurrences of “Spreckels Sugar Refining Co. v. McClain, 192 U.S. 297 (1904)” with “Spreckels Sugar Refining Co. v. McClain, 192 U.S. 397 (1904)”

5.        Replaced cites of “Hassett v. Welch, 303 U.S. 303 (1938)” with “Spreckels Sugar Refining Co. v. McClain, 192 U.S. 397 (1904)” in sections 3.7,, 3.18, 5.2.6, 5.2.9, 5.3.1,,, 5.6.15, 5.11, 6.9,, 10.1.20, 15.2.1, 15.2.3, and 15.7.1.

6.        Added to section 4.7.4 a cite from Penhallow v. Doane's, 3 U.S. 54, 3 Dall. 54, 1 L.Ed. 507 (1795).

7.        Added to section 5.4.10 a quote from Federalist Paper #45.

8.        Added to section 4.12.4 a quote on states from 16 AmJur 2d §281.

9.        Added to section 4.8 a cite from Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 U.S. 410 (Dall.) (1794) and a cite from Black’s 4th Edition on “National Government”.

10.     Revised the introduction to section 4.1 to make it clearer.  Also added a cite from the Calif. Government Code, section 54950.

11.     Added to section 5.2.4 a cite from Gibbons v. Ogden, 22 U.S. 1 (1824).

12.     Added section 5.2.2, entitled “Dual sovereignty”.

13.  Renamed section 5.2.3.

12/26/02 2.95

1.        Corrected typos in section

2.        Added to section 2.8.2 another presumption about IRS authority to make assessments. Also added “cert denied” presumptions.

3.        Added a quote from Frederic Bastiat to section 5.12.

4.        Added section 2.7.6 entitled “U.S. Government Communists Can Legally Install Surreptitious Tracking Devices on Your Car!”.

5.        Corrected typos in section 4.1.

6.        Added to section 4.1 a cite from Mark 3:35.

7.        Updated section 2.8.4 to mention the IRS’ “Enrolled Agent” program.

8.        Updated section 5.2.2 to add a reference to “police powers” and added table 5-6 to show the breakdown between internal and external taxes between the state and federal governments.

9.        Added section 8.4.10.

10.     Added a quote by Thomas Jefferson to the beginning of section 2.8.11.

11.     Added a cite from Chisholm v. Virginia to section 4.12.5.

12.     Rewrote portions of section 6.9 to make that section clearer.

13.     Expanded section 8.4.3 to add a joke about attorneys and mention that they will try to pass off frivolous sanctions to the litigant so they don’t have to pay them.

14.     Expanded section 8.2 to add a cite from Nehemiah Chapter 5 and the Lord’s prayer.

15.     Added a cite from Matt. 6:19-21 to section 1.9.1.

16.     Updated section 11.3.9 to remove the requirement to be a U.S. national or U.S. citizen in order for 13th Amendment jurisdiction in federal court.

17.     Updated section 5.2.6 to add a cite from 40 U.S.C. §255.

18.     Added section 11.3.11.

19.     Revised section to clarify the meaning of “sovereignty” inside “territories” with additional Supreme Court cites.

20.     Corrected the cites of definitions in section for “foreign state”, “foreign government”, and “foreign laws”.  Specified page in dictionary where found.

21.     Updated section 4.12.9 to cite 8 USC 1401 to show that all “U.S. citizens” are also “U.S. nationals”.

22.     Updated section to further clarify the cite from 26 CFR 31.3121(e).

23.     Expanded section 4.10 to add a table comparing “State” v. “state”.

24.     Updated section 1.9.7 to mention “conflict of personal laws”.

25.  Added to section 4.7.10 a definition of “malum prohibitum”.

12/29/02 2.96

1.        Added to section a table showing other words that depend on the definition of “includes”.

2.        Expanded item 5 in section 2.8.2 to point to section 6.2.1.

3.        Corrected cites in 5.6.1 after getting copies of Bente v. Bugbee, Terry v. Bothke.

4.        Corrected cite of Loan Assoc. v. Topeka in section 1.9.1, 1.9.2, 2.10.3, 3.3, 4.20.

5.        Modified section 4.12, 4.12.3,, 4.12.8, and 5.2.3,, 15.8.4, 15.8.5  to replace the cite from American Jurisprudence on citizenship with a later 2d version.

6.        Rewrote section 5.6.8 to mention that Tax class table was restored to the 6209 Manual chapter 4 and listing the Tax class table from the manual and the weblink where you can look at it yourself.


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