Below is list of changes for the year 2001:






1.      Updated section 8.2.22: Apply for income tax refunds for past Years.  Added legal references to the statute of limitations of 3 years. 

2.      Considerably expanded section 3.4.9:  13th Amendment: Abolition of Slavery.

3.      Added section 3.8.1:  Treasury Delegation of Authority Order 150-37.

4.      Added section 5.15:  Why Congress Could Not impose Income taxes.



1.      Added section 8.2.20 Don't Get Discouraged by IRS Tactics During Your Fight.

2.      Added a few scriptural references to section 2.3.4 Debt.

3.      Changed the title of 11.4.1 to "Summary of Relevant Statutes that Form the Basis for a Claim" and expanded this section to emphasize the need for a claim against the government.

4.      Considerably expanded section 8.2.24:  Stop Filing 1040 Income Tax Forms.  Added a list of reasons why not filing makes sense.

5.      Added section Wages.

6.      Considerably updated "Government Income" in section 8.1.  Narrowed the definition of employee.  Explained things much more fully.

7.      Considerably expanded section 3.4.8:  5th Amendment.

8.      Added section 11.4.3:  Court Case Cites vis a vis the IRS Income Tax Fraud.

9.      Added section 12.4:  Emancipation from the Government.

10.  Added section 12.8:  Property and Levy Protection.

11.  Added section 3.11.4:  The Collective Entity Rule.

12.  Added section 9.2.1:  Barry Konikov- The Potentials Unlimited

13.  Modified the title to section 3.7 to “IRS Publications and Internal Revenue Manual (IRM)” and added case citations to that section.

14.  Modified table 3-1 in section 3.6.7 regarding employment taxes to change the definition of “employee” to IRC Section 3401(c ).

15.  Added a pointer to my website to the end of the Preface section at the beginning.



1.      Renamed chapter 6 from "History of Income Tax Racketeering and Extortion In The U.S. After 1916" to "History of Government Income Tax Racketeering and Extortion in the U.S."

2.      Moved chapter 9, Case Studies, to chapter 12.

3.      Added the following definitions to chapter 14:  Employer, employee, U.S. Citizen, occupations of "common right", discovery, State, voluntary compliance.

4.      Added section 7.3.1:  Fraudulent/Inaccurate/Deceptive Publications and Internal Revenue Manual (IRM).

5.      Moved section 3.7:  IRS Publications and Internal Revenue Manual, to section 3.10, and then expanded it considerably.

6.      Added an introduction to chapter 3 pointing out the precedence of laws and how that chapter lists laws in their order of precedence.

7.      Added section Origins of the Collective Entity Rule.

8.      Added a reference to the Department of Justice, Tax Division, Criminal Tax Manual, to the beginning of section 7.6.16 (Prosecution for Willful Failure to File).

9.      Added section 1.6 Political "Tax" Prisoners.

10.  Expanded section  U.S. Citizen, to add references to the term "taxpayer".



1.      Updated table 10-2: Tax Litigation Sequence, to correct section numbers after document reorganization.

2.      Replaced most occurrences of "taxpayer" with "citizen" to avoid the IRS' devious labels.

3.      Added section 3.1:  Quotes from Thomas Jefferson on the Foundations of Law.

4.      Added section 10.1:  Thomas Jefferson on Trial by Jury.

5.      Added quotes to the beginning of section 7.6.20 Seizure of Property.

6.      Added section 8.2.21:  Make Yourself "Judgment Proof".



1.      Added section "Shall" actually means "May".

2.      Added section "Person".

3.      Added section "Must" means "May".

4.      Added section "Individual".

5.      Added section "Gross Income".

6.      Considerably expanded section 1.5: Our Own Ignorance, Laziness disorganization, and Apathy:  Public Enemy #1.

7.      Considerably expanded section 1.6:  Political "Tax" Prisoners.

8.      Expanded the definitions in chapter 14 and pointed them back to section 3.6.1 Word Games: Deception Using Definitions.

9.      Added section 12.4.4 Affidavit of Rescission.

10.  Updated "Evens v. Gore" in section 3.9.9 to add that it was overturned.

11.  Deleted section 3.9.12:  Lucas v. Earl.  The case citation was incorrect.



1.        Added section 10.12: How the Federal Judiciary Stole the Right to Petition.

2.        Added section 3.5.7 1st Amendment:  The Right to Petition the Government for Redress of Grievances.



1.        Expanded section 4.2: Fundamental Rights:  Granted by God and Cannot be Regulated by the Government to add a reference to the taxation of “rights”.

2.        Added section 5.1: What Can Be Legally Taxed by the Federal Government?

3.        Expanded the Preface to add a reference to the oath I took when I joined the U.S. Navy.

4.        Changed the Title of Chapter 6.

5.        Changed the Title of Section 10.12.

6.        Added section 7.6.18:  Litigation Tactics.  Moved “Stacking the Deck During Jury Selection” underneath this section.

7.        Added section 12.5.4:  Government Employer Affidavit regarding income tax withholding policies.

8.        Added section 12.5.5:  Private Employer Affidavit regarding income tax withholding policies.

9.        Added section “Tax”.

10.     Expanded section 1.6:  Political “Tax” Prisoners.

11.     Added quotes from Thomas Jefferson to the end of section 2.3.4 on Debt.



1.        Updated section to add a revised definition of  “United States” to the end of that section.

2.        Added section 7.8: Documentation of IRS Rules and Procedures.

3.        Added references to and explanation of “testimony” to section 3.5.9 as it pertains to the 5th Amendment.

4.        Changed title of section 4.1 from “Introduction” to “Rights defined and explained”

5.        Modified section 8.1:  Considerations involving Federal employees.  Added references to Social Security being mandatory.



1.        Updated several typos in section 11.2.3 on Gaylon Harrell.

2.        Deleted section 9.1 on the Save-A-Patriot Fellowship.



1.        Added section 3.9.13: 1939:  Graves v. People of State of New York (306 U.S. 466).

2.        Added section 3.10.2: Commerical League Assoc. v. The People 90 Ill. 166

3.        Added section 3.10.5, Graves vs. People of New York,  59 S. Ct. 595

4.        Added section 3.10.7 Jack Cole Co. vs. Alfred McFarland, Sup. Ct. Tenn 337 S.W. 2d 453

5.        Added section 3.10.8 Lyddon Co. vs. U.S. , 158 Fed. Supp 951.

6.        Added section 3.10.11 White Packing Co. v. Robertson, 89 F 2d 775, 779 the 4th Circuit Court.

7.        Added section Income

8.        Added section 10.12: How to Shepardize.

9.        Reorganized chapter 10.

10.     Renamed section 10.6 to Case and Code Citations.

11.     Added section 3.6.6 26 USC Sec. 7206:  Fraud and false statements.

12.     Expanded section 8.5: State Taxation Issues.  Added the California codes that regulate income taxes.

13.     Added section 12.5.6 Position Statement to IRS Regarding W-4 Exempt.

14.     Updated section to add a reference to the section of 26 CFR that talks about withholding at single zero for employees who don’t submit W-4’s.

15.     Added section 2.1.3:  Do you still think you are free?

16.     Changed title of section 8.4.1 from Exempt W-4’s to W-4’s and expanded explanation of the W-4.

17.     Added a denial of criminal intent to section 8.2.16 Move Your Financial Assets Overseas Where the IRS Can't Illegally Seize Them by referencing 26 USC §7206(4).



1.        Added section 3.7.8 26 CFR Sec. 31.3401(c )-1:  Employee.  What an amazing discovery!



1.        Corrected several grammar and spelling errors. 

2.        Eliminated some repetitions in section

3.        Moved Chapter 12: Forms to Chapter 14.

4.        Added section 10.13.2 Common Manifestations of the Judicial Conspiracy.

5.        Added section 3.9.16:  Garner v. U.S. 

6.        Added a definition of “compel” to the definitions in chapter 13.

7.        Expanded section 3.9.19 Cheek v. United States.

8.        Added section 5.3.2: How a person can “volunteer” to become liable for paying income tax.

9.        Added section 3.1.14:  1959 Flora v. U.S. (362 U.S. 145).

10.     Added section 3.9.13 Hassett v. Welch (303 U.S. 303).

11.     Added a cover page directing Acrobat readers to use the “Navigation Bar” button to make navigation much easier.

12.     Added section 2.4.1:  Social Security is NOT a Contract.

13.     Expanded section 3.5.9 on the 5th Amendment, to add a warning not to admit you have business records.



Corrected bad titles for sections 3.6 and 3.7.  Also updated the introduction to these two sections as well to make them clearer.



1.        Added section 1.8.6 How Come my Accountant or Tax Attorney Doesn’t Know This?

2.        Added copyright notice, version number, and website address to all footers.

3.        Reformatted the introduction at the beginning.

4.        Updated section 5.11 to add references to direct taxes.

5.        Expanded section 8.2.5 regarding privacy, to add Records and Evidence.

6.        Added a list of books to put in your law library to section 8.2.18:  Know and Follow the Law.  Also added pointers to Versus Law to this section.

7.        Added a quote of Ronald Regan to the beginning of section 3.12.1 Uncertainty of the Federal Tax Laws.

8.        Renamed section 3.5.9:  5th Amendment:  Compelling Citizens to Witness Against Themselves.  Broke the section into several subsections.

9.        Added section 4.13: No Marriage Licenses

10.     Modified section 8.2.22 to replace the Fourth Amendment with the Fifth Amendment.



1.        Added section 14.6:  Income Tax Return Forms.

2.        Updated section 10.9 Tax Litigation Venues/Courts to mention what is binding on the IRS.

3.        Updated section 3.11 to reflect the findings contained in the Internal Revenue Manual relative to the affect the IRS Publications have on what is binding on the IRS.



1.        Added section 7.6.2 Anonymous Harassment.

2.        Added the case of Hale v. Henkel, section 3.9.5, which talks about the distinction between corporations and individuals relative to the 5th Amendment.

3.        Updated section 14.6 “Income Tax Return Forms”.

4.        Rewrote and expanded section 6.2:  General Evolution.

5.        Modified the preface to add references to some of the  contributors to this work.

6.        Added section 1.9: What would it take for the IRS and the US Congress to “come clean”?

7.        Updated the introduction to chapter 1 to mention violation of due process and obfuscation of the tax codes.

8.        Added section 14.3.3 Letter to the Attorney General.



1.        Added several new definitions to section 3.6.1, including “compliance”, “liable”, “voluntary”, “required.

2.        Updated several of the existing definitions in section 3.6.1.

3.        Added section 2.4.1: Compelled income taxes.

4.        Added section 2.4.6: Surrendering Freedoms in the name of Government-induced Crises.

5.        Added section 5.2.1: Congress’ Right to Tax International trade, Foreign income, and Foreigners.

6.        Added section 2.1: The Code of Ethics for Government Service.

7.        Updated section 14.6.1 to add a reference in the 1040 letter to the Code of Ethics for Government Service.



1.        Corrected several spelling and grammar errors.

2.        Moved section 1.9 to section 8.6:  What would it take for the IRS and Congress to Come Clean?



1.        Added section 3.7 U.S. Code Title 18: Crimes and Criminal Procedure and all subsections.

2.        Added section 3.10.19: 1976:  Fisher v. United States (425 U.S. 391)

3.        Expanded section 8.5 to elaborate on the California laws.

4.        Expanded section 10.12:  How to Shepardize.

5.        Updated section 14.6.1 Letter to go with 1040 Tax Retn.

6.        Updated section 14.6.2 Letter to go with 540 California Tax Return.

7.        Expanded introduction to Chapter 1 to add references to Prov 16:8.

8.        Added the case of Simmons. V. United States, 303 F.2d 160 to section 3.11.17.

9.        Added section 3.5.7 Article I, Section 8, Clauses 1 & 3: The Power to Tax and Regulate Commerce.

10.     Added section 3.5.11 10th Amendment: Reservation of State’s Rights.

11.     Expanded section 3.6.4: 26 U.S.C. Sec. 861.



1.        Added section 3.10.12 “1922:  Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Co. (259 U.S. 20)”.

2.        Completely reorganized section 8.2 “The Process for Achieving Tax Freedom”.

3.        Completely rearranged section 8.2:  The Process to Achieve Tax Freedom.  Broke the section up by function rather than with on long sequence, to make it easier to follow and understand.



1.        Added to section 6.1 “General Evolution”, the Supreme Court case of Alton Railroad Company (294 U.S. 330) in 1935.

2.        Added section 2.2: Thomas Jefferson on Property Rights and the Foundations of Our Government.

3.        Rewrote the Preface again.  Added more quotes form Thomas Jefferson.

4.        Updated section 3.10, table of cases.

5.        Fixed invalid section number references throughout the document (caused by reorganization of document).

6.        Added section 8.6 “What’s the Best Way to Force Congress and The IRS to Come Clean?”

7.        Added section Create and Maintain a Case File.

8.        Added section  Download, and Read the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

9.        Added section Download, Print, and Read the Court’s Local Rules.

10.     Added section Buy a Legal Forms Preparation Program.



1.        Rewrote item 7.2 of section Protect Your Privacy Vigilantly.

2.        Removed references to the Solutions Group from section 4.17 to appear more impartial.



1.        Added section Sue the IRS If They Delay the Requested Refund >1 Year.

2.        Added section Establish a Prima Facie Case AGAINST Income Tax Liability.

3.        Updated section to add IRS Form 8275.

4.        Added section What to Do With Employers Who Won’t Correct Erroneous W-2’s.

5.        Added section 3.6.6: 26 USC Sec. 7201:  Attempt to evade or defeat tax

6.        Added section 3.6.7:  26 USC Sec. 7203:  Willful failure to file return, supply information, or pay tax.

7.        Added section 5.4: Brief History of Court Rulings Which Establish Income Taxes as “Direct Taxes”.



1.        Filled in case names in section

2.        Expanded the description of FDR’s “court packing plan” of 1937 in section 6.1.

3.        Updated section 3.6.6 26 USC Sec. 7201:  Attempt to evade or defeat tax.  Added the elements required to be proved for a tax evasion case.

4.        Modified section 3.10.7 to change the ruling of the court.  The previous quotes were incorrect.

5.        Modified section 3.10.8 Stanton v. Baltic Mining, to make the presentation more clear.

6.        Modified section to refer to 26 U.S.C. 6702 and the case of Lovell v. United States (755 F.2d 517).

7.        Added section 3.6.6 26 USC Sec. 6702: Frivolous Income Tax Return.

8.        Updated section 10.8 Tax Litigation Sequence, to reflect updated section numbers throughout the document.

9.        Added a definition for “income” to chapter 12.

10.     Expanded the case cite of Eisner v. Macomber, 252 U.S. 189, in section 3.10.11.



1.        Added section 2.8: Prayer at the Opening of the Kansas Senate.

2.        Corrected several grammar and formatting errors.

3.        Added to section “Request Income Tax Refunds for the Current Year and the Past Two Years” a reference to Lovell v. United States, which treated unsigned returns as valid returns.

4.        Added to section 1.30.19 “Garner v. U.S.” some background on the 5th Amendment and the federal circuit court disregard of this case.



1.        Edited section 9.1, which references W-4E, and removed references to students being the only ones eligible to use them.  This was based on research of 26 CFR 31.3400.

2.        Refined the use of the word “source” in section 8.1, dealing with “Considerations Involving Government Employment Income”.

3.        Added an explanation of contexts for the use of the word “source” to section 5.8: Sources of Income.



1.        Added section 10.4: How Do Federal Judges Get Selected?

2.        Expanded section Be On the Offensive with the IRS: Get in their Face!



1.        Added item 4.2 to section 6.6.3.

2.        Expanded section 4.5 “Resident” to add a mention of being a resident of the “United States”.

3.        Added section 4.1:  Natural Order.

4.        Expanded section 12.3 to add several new names.

5.        Expanded section 12.2 to add “Vulture in Eagle’s Clothing” and “How to Cook a Vulture”.

6.        Renamed section 4.7 to “The Three ‘United States’” and modified the opening paragraph.

7.        Expanded section 4.94 to add references to the California Revenue and Taxation Code section 6017.

8.        Renamed section 4.9.5 to “Natural Born Citizens” instead of “Pure State Citizens”

9.        Replaced all occurrences of “State of” with “state of”.

10.     In section 5.3, clarified the use of the word “United States” by adding asterisks to all uses of the term “U.S.” and distinguishing U.S.** from U.S.***.

11.     Expanded section 4.3.2 to clarify the definition of sovereign and changed the recommended filing status to “Natural Born Person”.

12.     Added section 3.9.1 “How to Read the Income Tax Regulations”

13.     Added section 3.9.2 “You Cannot be Prosecuted for Violating an Act Unless you Violate It’s Implementing Regulations”

14.     Considerably expanded section 9.7 “Non-Resident Aliens”.

15.     Added section 6.4.8:  “IRS has NO Delegated Authority to Impose Penalties for Nonpayment of Income Taxes!”

16.     Added section 6.3.1: The Corruption of Our Tax System by the Courts and Congress Downes v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244, 1901



1.        Added section 6.4.9 “W-8 Certificate of Foreign Status Form Removed from the IRS Website April 2001”

2.        Expanded section 6.6.1 to add the term “United States”.

3.        Renamed sections 5.3.4 and 5.3.6 to replace Nonresident Citizen with nonresident Alien.  Rewrote both of these sections.

4.        Added section 3.2 Biblical Law: The Foundation of ALL Law.

5.        Added 31 U.S.C. 321 to the beginning of section 5.5.

6.        Expanded section 6.4.2 “Elements of the IRS Cover-Up/Conspriacy to Watch For”

7.        Expanded section 6.4.1 to add several paragraphs to the end.

8.        Expanded and rewrote section 8.1 “Considerations Involving Government Employment Income” then moved this section to 5.8.

9.        Renamed section 14.5.3 and added section 14.5.2 “Letter to Commercial Employer Stopping Income Tax Withholding”

10.     Expanded table 3-1 in section 3.7.1.

11.     Rearranged Chapter 5 to put all issues relating to tax jurisdiction underneath section 5.2 and out of section 5.10.

12.     Added section 5.3.7 “Will I Lose My Military Security Clearance or Social Security Benefits by Becoming a Nonresident Alien?”

13.     Expanded section 1.5 “Our Own Ignorance, Laziness, Disorganization, and Apathy:  Public Enemy #1.  Added a reference to Mark 3:27.

14.     Added a reference to Mark 10:21 to section 1.7.2.

15.     Expanded section 1.7.4 “Our Obligations as Christians”, to add Matt. 23:27-28.

16.     Added step 1.3.2 to section “Make Yourself ‘Judgment Proof’”.  This step addresses getting a common law marriage and rescinding your state marriage license.

17.     Completely rewrote and retitled section 2.3, renaming it to “The Limited Powers and Sovereignty of the U.S. Government”



1.        Added two subsections to section 5.7.6 “Specific Taxable Sources”.  The first section for “Sources ‘within’ the United States” and the other for “Sources ‘without’ the United States”

2.        Deleted section 5.5.4 “Nonresident alien involuntary filings”.

3.        Further updated and refined table 5-5 in section 5.3.1.

4.        Added to section by mentioning being consistent about describing your residency, filing, and citizenship status.



1.        Expanded section 6.4.5 to add a mention of involuntary perjury on the 1040 form.

2.        Broke section 5.6 into two subsections.  Added section 5.6.2 entitled “Do We Have to Sign the 1040 Under Penalty of Perjury?

3.        Added section 6.3.2 entitled “Why the Lawyers in Congress Just Love the Tax Code”



1.        Changed the title of section to “Stop Providing your social security number to employers and ‘denumber’ yourself.”  Then mentioned removing SSN from real property.

2.        Added a warning to section about verifying all claims.

3.        Added section 3.7.6: “26 U.S.C. §871: Tax on nonresident alien individuals”

4.        Added section 3.7.7 “26 U.S.C. §872: Gross Income”.

5.        Added section 5.3.4: “Tax Liability of  Nonresident Aliens.”

6.        Completely revised section 6.4.9 to mention the new W-8BEN form of the IRS at the end of the section.  Also added instructions on how to make your own substitute W-8BEN.

7.        Split section into two sections: and

8.        Added section “Structure your dealings to maximize evidence collection”.



1.        Deleted header for Section 5.9.

2.        Added section 14.5 “Financial Institutions” to the book.

3.        Expanded section to add instructions on how to remove social security number from financial institutions.  Also added the regulations that show you don’t have to provide social security numbers to employers.

4.        Added section 14.5.2:  Service Contract Wit Financial Institution to Assure Security of Account from Unlawful Seizure, Lien, or Levy.

5.        Added section  “Educate and Screen Your Financial Institutions and County Recorder”.



1.        Moved section 2.3. to section 2.2 entitled “The Limited Powers and Sovereignty of the U.S. Government”.

2.        Corrected W-2 block number in section 7.6.4 from block 10 to block 1.

3.        Renamed section 9.1 to “Marking IRS W-4 Falsely or as “Exempt”.

4.        Modified section 9.1 to add alternatives to the W-4 Exempt, the informal letter letter and the substitute W-4.

5.        Reworded last paragraph of section 9.5.



1.        Added an additional quote to section 2.2 from Thomas Jefferson.

2.        Added section 14.4 in the Forms chapter, entitled “Marriage”, which includes a “Marriage Contract” and a “Notice of Intent to Marry”.



1.        Added section 14.8.3 “Responsive Letter to IRS Claim for ‘frivolous return’ in Re. Request for Refund Letter”

2.        Added section 14.7.9 entitled “Response to IRS Claim of Fraudulent or False W-4 EXEMPT”.

3.        Updated section “Educate and Screen Your Financial Institutions and County Recorder” by mentioning the role of county recorders and clerks.



1.        Added section “Use an internet and postal “remailer” service.

2.        Added a quote of Public Law 94-455, Section 1211 to section entitled “Coercion:  Denying Benefits for Those who Refuse to Provide Socialist Security Numbers”.

3.        Added Executive Order 12731 to section 2.1 “Code of Ethics for Government Service”.

4.        Added section 14.13.3 entitled “Civil Action for Refund of Erroneously Withheld Private Earnings”.

5.        Added a quote from John 8:34 to the Preface.

6.        Broke section 6.7 into two subsections:  6.7.1 “Legal Dictionary Definitions of “United States” and 6.7.2: “The Taxability of Wages and Income Derived from “Labor” Rather than “Profit” as Described in CLE Materials”.

7.        Expanded section 6.7.1 to mention Black’s Law Dictionary, Seventh Edition, and the loss of a definition of “United States” in the new edition.

8.        Replaced several references to Thomas Jefferson as writer of our Constitution and replaced them with him being writer of our Declaration of Independence.

9.        Revised and expanded item 4 of table 5-6 regarding requirement of nonresident aliens to have SSN’s.

10.     Added section 10.13 “Proper Service of Legal Process on the U.S. Government”.

11.     Added definitions for the following terms to chapter 13:  “common right”, “special law”,”forum”.



1.        Added a quote to the Preface from Keith Fauble about the Civil War.

2.        Expanded section 5.2.5 to mention omissions of key terms from later versions of Black’s Law Dictionary.  Also corrected the definition of “foreign government” to be from Black’s Law Fifth Edition instead of the Sixth Edition.

3.        Added a definition of “United States”, “color”, “color of office”, “United States”, and “extortion under the color of office” to chapter 13 from Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition.



1.        Added a definition to chapter 13 for “duress”, “coercion”, and “voluntary” from Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition.

2.        Fixed all cross-references to make them self-updating.

3.        Added a challenge to IRS agents, lawyers, and government employees to the Preface.

4.        Removed references to Thurston Bell in the Preface.

5.        Expanded the Preface to add a quote from 2 Cor. 3:17 and Gal. 5:13-17.

6.        Added section 5.1.2 “SURPISE!  The Income Tax is a MANDATORY INDIRECT EXCISE Tax or a VOLUNTARY DIRECT Tax”.



1.        Expanded section 5.5.2 “How a person can ‘volunteer’ to become liable for paying income taxes.”

2.        Expanded section 5.1.2 by adding information about how we can volunteer to become liable.

3.        Added a paragraph to the beginning of section 5.1.4 to clarify why some of the cases quoted conflict with the supreme Court on the issue of income taxes only legitimately being excise taxes..



1.        Replaced the quote in section 2.9.3, U.S. v. Minker, 350 U.S. 179 at 187, with a corrected quote.  The original quote was inaccurate.

2.        Rewrote the preface to clarify slavery to sin.

3.        Removed reference to Larken Rose at the beginning of Chapt 5, since he contributed less than ¼ of the chapter.

4.        Added a definition of the word “voluntary” to section 5.1.2.

5.        Added a definition of the word “tax” and “donation” to chapter 13.

6.        Changed the title of section 5.1.2 from “SURPRISE!: The Income Tax is a MANDATORY INDIRECT EXCISE Tax or a VOLUNTARY DIRECT Tax” to “SURPRISE!: The Income Tax is a MANDATORY INDIRECT EXCISE Tax or a VOLUNTARY DIRECT DONATION”  Expanded the section to clarify the distinction between donation and tax.

7.        Added section entitled “IMPORTANT!: Change Your U.S. Citizenship Status”.



1.        Added section 5.1.5: “The Conspiracy by Which the Federal Government Illegally Imposed Direct Income Taxes”.

2.        Changed the title of section 6.1 to “Introduction”.

3.        Expanded section to add a process for filing a  “Revocation of Election”.

4.        Added section 14.5.6: “Voter Registration Attachment”.



1.        Added several quotes to the Revocation of Election letter found in section 14.5.5 to strengthen the letter.


3.        Added section 14.5.7 “Affidavit of Clarification of Citizenship for Security Clearance”.

4.        Added several items to secton 8.7 “What would it take for the IRS and the U.S. Congress to ‘come clean’”.

5.        Updated the introduction of section 8.1 “The Price of Liberty” to emphasize faith.

6.        Added section 14.3.5 “Fourth of July Newspaper Article”.

7.        Trimmed sample forms out of section and pointed to them from that section so they aren’t duplicated.

8.        Put a time limit onto the Revocation of Election by Nonresident Alien found in section 14.5.5.

9.        Added section 2.10 The Bill of No Rights.

10.     Added section entitled Eliminate your State Marriage License and Get A Common Law Marriage.

11.     Added section entitled “Trade or business”.

12.     Added reference to 26 U.S.C. §1441 to section 5.3.1.

13.     Added section “The Nonresident Alien Position”.

14.     Moved sections through underneath section 5.8.2 entitled “The 861 Source Position”.

15.     Added several quotes on hate to section 1.0.



1.        Added a reference to our money in the Preface and the fact that it says “In God We Trust”.

2.        Updated the explanation of hate in the Introduction in section 1.0.

3.        Added further explanation to section 14.4.

4.        Added section 6.4.3 Official Immunity and Anonymity.

5.        Expanded section 4.14.2 to add three paragraphs.

6.        Added section 5.3.3 Summary of State and Federal Income Tax Liability by Residency and Citizenship

7.        Considerably modified section 5.3.1 “Summary of Federal Income Tax Filing Status”.  Added references to 26 CFR § 1.861-8 and ties 26 U.S.C. §862 back to 26 CFR § 1.861-8.  Explained 26 CFR § 1.861-8.

8.        Completely revised section 14.9, State Income Tax Return Form.



1.        Updated section 6.4.1 to point to section 9.11.

2.        Expanded section to suggest using more junior congressmen.

3.        Expanded item 3 and note 7 of section to add procedures to submit a new SS-5 refuting your citizenship.

4.        Added section  5.4 and moved sections from elsewhere in the document to be under this heading.

5.        Added section 5.4.4.

6.        Added section 14.5.8 SSA Notice of Change in Citizenship.

7.        Added section 3.10.8 “26 CFR § 1.861-8(f)1 Taxable sources”.

8.        Added section 3.10.4 26 CFR § 1.0-1 Applicability of Title.

9.        Added section 14.2.1 Steadman Jackson Opinion Letter.

10.     Added section Legislative Intent of the 16th Amendment According to President William H. Taft.

11.     Added the subject of wisdom to section 1.5.

12.     Added more clarification of the concept of fearing God to section .

13.     Added a reference to a biblical prohibition against oaths in section entitled “Non-Self-Incrimination Right Defined”



1.        Expanded section to mention how to use UCC 1-205 and Notary Public to produce a “Verified Affidavit of Default”.

2.        Updated the preface  and added more quotes.

3.        Fixed spelling errors.

4.        Updated section 1.5 to reorganize quotes.

5.        Expanded section to mention writing “Not valid without attachements” at the top of each form.

6.        Expanded section to mention that you want to file at least one 1040NR form and W-8 form with the IRS before you take them to court for a refund.  Also added a caution about the jurat at the bottom of tax forms.

7.        Added section 14.10.7, Verified Affidavit of Default.



1.        Updated section to add how to encrypt directories, how to change administrator account names, changing BIOS settings, and how to lock down security with the “gepedit.msc” file.

2.        Corrected spelling errors in the Preface.

3.        Updated section numbers in section 11.9.

4.        Updated section number references throughout the document.



1.        Expanded section 3.6.4 to add Luke 16:13.

2.        Added definitions of “Slave”, “Slavery”, and “peonage” to section 3.6.13.

3.        Added section 1.8.7.

4.        Rearranged chapter 5 to make it more logical.



1.        Expanded section 5.6 to add a web pointer to 31 U.S.C. Sec. 321 and a pointer to 26 U.S.C. §6331 and an explanation of that section.

2.        Expanded section 5.2.8 to add 26 CFR § 31.3401(c ), which defines “employee”.

3.        Expanded section to add 26 CFR § 31.3401(c ), which defines “employee”.

4.        Added another quote about the man in the glass to section 8.1.

5.        Added more quotes about public education to section 2.6.2.

6.        Added a quote to the beginning of chapter 10.

7.        Split section 6.2 into two subsections and added section 6.2.2.



1.        Added a quote from John Swinton to section 1.8.4.

2.        Added a definition of “mammon” to section 3.6.3.

3.        Expanded the introduction to section 5.6.  Added definitions for “voluntary” and “gift”.

4.        Added a quote from Prov. 3:9-10 to section 1.7.;1.

5.        Corrected several grammar errors throughout the document.



1.        Added section 2.11.

2.        Updated dates in section 3.13.

3.        Added reference to the law from which the Code of Ethics for Government Employees in section 2.1.



1.        Added an evolution of the Federal Reserve to section 2.7.4.

2.        Expanded section  to add info on the gold standard.

3.        Added references, to activities of the Federal Reserve and the institution of the Social Security System in 1935 to section 6.1.

4.        Added more cites to section 3.10.2.

5.        Expanded section 3.7.11 “Willful failure to file”

6.        Expanded section 5.2.3 to add information about studies of section 3121 and 4612 of the Internal Revenue Code.



1.        Added section 8.2: “How Do We Kill This Beast?”

2.        Expanded section 3.7.11.

3.        Added several quotes throughout the book.

4.        Updated section 5.2.3, background on “United States”.

5.        Added a mention of the Sixth Amendment and the term “definition” to section 5.3.1.

6.        Deleted section 5.4.1:  Internal Revenue Code is NOT Law!

7.        Added a mention of I.R.C. section 901 to section 5.5:  Definition of “income” for the purpose of income taxes.

8.        Expanded section 2.1 by added requirements for government employees to the end.

9.        Updated the Marriage contract in section 14.4.2.



1.        Renamed section and added a mention of challenging court jurisdiction as well.

2.        Deleted the “Who” column from this table.

3.        Moved section “Challenge Jurisdiction:  Shift the Burden of Proof to the Government” to section

4.        Reworded the quote from the beginning of Chapter 3 to remove references to the I.R.C. not being law.

5.        Added section 14.14 General Forms, and all subsections.

6.        Added section 6.2.1 : 1933:  FDR’s Great American Gold Robbery.

7.        Added section 6.2.2:  FDR’s Socialist (Social) Security Act of 1935.

8.        Corrected several grammar errors in chapter 1. 

9.        Toned down section 1.8.8 by removing some material.



1.        Deleted section 6.4.1:  The Internal Revenue Code is Defunct and Not in Effect.

2.        Updated section 6.1 to add FDR’s activities with the Trading with the Enemy Act, Executive Order 9397, etc.

3.        Removed references to names in all capital letters as being the corporate you.  Added description of UCC redemption process.

4.        Added a mention of phone number confidentiality to section 8.4.3.



1.        Added the Buck Act to section 5.2.3 and a mention of the term “foreign” and talked about constitutional requirement for uniformity throughout the United States.

2.        Added several new aspects to challenging jurisdiction to section

3.        Added to section 3.71 information from Eddie Kahn about nondefinitions based on the word “includes”.  Rearranged the section and added additional conclusions.

4.        Expanded section, Challenge Jurisdiction.

5.        Reworded section 14.5.6 “Voter Registration Affidavit Attachment” and section 14.5.7 “Affidavit of Clarificatin of Citizenship for Security Clearance”.

6.        Added definition of “Tax Class” to section 

7.        Added table 3-1 (Organization of the Internal Revenue Code) to section 3.7.



1.        Added section 14.6.3 “Constructive Notice for Denial of Account Without SSN”

2.        Added to section that mentions that there is no law and to repeatedly ask for it.

3.        Expanded section 7.7 to add quote from Olmstead v. United States and several new items of hypocrisy.

4.        Fixed various spelling and grammar errors in Chapter 3.

5.        Added section 5.6.1: IRS Has No Legal Authority to Assess Penalties on Subtitle A Income Taxes.

6.        Toned down last part of section 1.8.8.

7.        Deleted section 3.10.4.

8.        Updated section to talk in more detail about IMF files.

9.        Expanded section 1.5 to add a few more scriptures about wisdom.



1.        Added comments from the U.S. Constitution, Annoted to the end of section 4.9.3 and

2.        Added a quote from the U.S. Constitution annotated to section

3.        Added a question for doubters to sections, 5.2.3, and 5.3.2.

4.        Expanded section 1.8.7 to add a reference to Pollock v. Farmer’s Loan and Trust.

5.        Added a question for doubters to section 5.12.

6.        Consolidated the Letter to Attach to Your 1040 Federal Income Tax Return in section 14.8.1 into one section down from two.  Eliminated distinction between government employees and commercial employees.  Letter is much more comprehensive and includes a questionnaire at the end.

7.        Completely rewrote section 14.8.1: Letter to Attach to Your 1040 Federal Income Tax Return.

8.        Completely rewrote section 14.9: State Income Tax Return Form.

9.        Added definitions for “lien” and “levy” to chapter 13.

10.     Added section “Challenge All Liens and Levies”.

11.     Added section 5.7.1 “Involuntary Perjury on the 1040 Form”



1.        Added a mention of 5 U.S.C. Part 2635 and 26 CFR § 2635.101-102 to section 2.1.

2.        Deleted section 5.7.1.

3.        Added a quote from Pollack v. Farmer’s Loan and Trust Company 157 U.S. 429, to section 5.2.3.

4.        Updated note 2 of section 5.3.1 to mention 26 U.S.C. §871 for use in computing the rate of tax.



1.        Added a quote to the beginning of section and rewrote the first paragraph of the section.

2.        Added several paragraphs to the end of section 5.8.3 talking about Congress’ scheme.

3.        Added to section after the table a recommendation to automatically request a due process hearing to cover your butt.

4.        Added section “Congressional Propaganda and Lies”

5.        Added section 2.13:  If Noah Were Alive Today.

6.        Added section  Protect the Privacy of Your Financial Transactions.

7.        Added chapter 10: Rebutted Government Lies and Propaganda.

8.        Added section 5.9 entitled “Employment Withholding Taxes are Gifts!”

9.        Added section 5.7.3 entitled “1040 and Especially 1040NR Tax Forms Violate the Privacy Act and Therefore Need Not Be Submitted.”

10.     Removed references to 26 CFR § 1.0-1 from section 6.4.

11.     Replaced all references to chapter 14 to Chapter 15.

12.     Added section 1.1:  “Summary of the Purpose of this Document”.



1.        Added a responses to sections,, and

2.        Added note 1 to the General Notes at the beginning of section 10.2.

3.        Fixed several page numbering and spelling problems.

4.        Added a reference to 26 U.S.C Section 871 to the end of section 5.8.3.



1.        Added section “Use Determination Letters to Fight Unethical IRS Tactics and Evasiveness”.

2.        Corrected several grammar and spelling errors.

3.        Added section 3.3:  The Purpose of the Law.

4.        Added section 15.15  Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act Forms.

5.        Put line numbers back into all of Chapter 15 Forms.

6.        Added section 8.3: “Commercial Law and the U.C.C.”.

7.        Added section 8.4: “The Law of Presumptions”

8.        Added section entitled “Use the UCC and the Law or Presumptions to Your Advantage in All Administrative Dealings.

9.        Changed the title of section 15.10 from “Pre-Tax Examination Forms” to “Delinquency and Collections Rorms”.

10.     Added section 15.10.2 “Response Letter to Delinquent Return, IRS Form Ltr CP515/CP518 (861 “source”  position)”.

11.     Renamed section 15.10.1.



1.        Added a list of judicial and IRS reforms to section 8.9.

2.        Replaced referenced to appendices in section 8.4 with sections in the book.

3.        Moved section to section

4.        Added step 1.8 to section  entitled “Establish Prima Facie Case AGAINST Income Tax Liability”.

5.        Completely rearranged the steps in section 8.6.5 entitled “The Legal Battle” to make them more realistic.

6.        Added section 1.3:  HELP!  What should I do given me situation?

7.        Updated section about Determination Letters, to list the fees.



1.        Various grammar errors.

2.        Added “Testimonials: What People Are Saying…” to the beginning of the book just before the PREFACE.

3.        Udpated table 5-6 in section 5.3.1.  Changed references to tax rate and updated language referring to taxable sources.  Updated the notes under the table to better define “U.S. national” and “U.S. citizen” terms.  Added note 2.  Rewrote description of 26 CFR § 1.861-8(f).

4.        Rearranged subsections in Chapter 8.

5.        Updated table 5-7 in section 5.3.3 to change description of use of IRS form 2555.

6.        Updated section 5.8.3 to change the description of IRS form 2555 use.

7.        Removed references to 26 U.S.C. §871 at the end of section 5.8.3.



1.        Rewrote section 5.2.1.

2.        Made Preface and Testimonials sections at the beginning into heading styles that appear in the Table of Contents.

3.        Added section 8.5:  “Questions for All Occasions to Stop the IRS Dead In Its Tracks.”

4.        Stripped references to voting in section and moved them to section

5.        Added references to “national of the United States” to section

6.        Added section “Som Natural Born State Citizens Can’t Serve on Jury Duty”

7.        Rewrote section “Summary of Constraints applying to Natural Born State Citizenship”

8.        Added some court citations and additional paragraphs to section 4.4 “Government instituted slavery using ‘privileges’”.

9.        Modified sections 15.5.6 and 15.5.7 to add references to “national of the United States” and emphasized capitalizaton of the words “citizen” and “Citizen”.

10.     Changed several references in section 15.5 to “U.S. Citizen” with “U.S. citizen”.

11.     Added a summary to the end of section 4.9.7 “How Do We Lose our Sovereignty and Become Federal Citizens”.

12.     Expanded section 5.6.1 to mention 26 CFR §301.6671 and the definition of “person” in Subtitle F of the I.R.C.

13.     Added section 15.10.9 “Questions for All Occasions to Stop The IRS Dead in Their Tracks”.



1.        Added sections 8.5.1:  Jurisdiction.  Added similar content to section 15.10.9.

2.        Corrected formatting problems in the TESTIMONIALS section at the beginning.

3.        Split section 15.9 into subsections, and added to subsection a response to a California FTB frivolous return.



1.        Fixed bad page numbers in preface items.

2.        Fixed typos in sections 8.5.

3.        Added a disclaimer to section 1.3.



1.        Added section 8.5.1 and rearranged section 8.5.  Moved section to section

2.        Synchronized section 15.10.9 with changes to section 8.5.

3.        Reformatted section 15.10.9.

4.        Expanded Question to add table to fill in.

5.        Changed questions numbers.

6.        Added to section a quote from Butcher’s Union v. Cresecent City Company.

7.        Added section 4.6: Two Political Models:  “United States” vs “United States of America”.



1.        Revised section 5.1.5 to make the explanation of the conspiracy a little clearer.

2.        Rewrote the Section 4.10.7 to add a table summarizing the section and an analysis of Elk v. Wilkins, 112 U.S. 94 and the Declaration of Independence.

3.        Expanded section 5.1.2 to add a table comparing all the definitions of income taxes.

4.        Renamed section 5.1.5 to “The ‘Elevator speech’ Version of the Income Tax Fraud.

5.        Added section 5.2.1:  Sovereignty:  Key to understanding Federal Jurisdiction.



1.        Expandedtable in 5.1.2 and added mention in that section of the “judicial conspiracy to protect the income tax”.

2.        Added section

3.        Added item 2.12 (Question 1.12) to section 15.10.9.

4.        Expanded section to add quotations from Supreme Court.

5.        Expanded subsection 3.2 in section 15.10.9 to add quotations from Supreme Court.

6.        Moved section 15.10.9 to section 15.1 “Test for Tax Professionals” and deleted the original set of questions.



Added a table of contents to the beginning of each chapter.



1.        Moved section 7.4.4 to section 10.3.

2.        Added section and question 2.14 to section 15.1.

3.        Added a quote from Thomas Jefferson to the beginning of section 15.1 and section 8.5.

4.        Expanded and rewrote section 5.5.



1.        Fixed spelling and grammar errors throughout the document.

2.        Modified all tables so the header repeats if it spans multiple pages.

3.        Rewrote section 3.2.



1.        Added section 5.7.3.

2.        Rewrote and retitled section Vehemently Oppose Improper Exam Procedures and ALL Assessments.

3.        Added section 5.5.2 “IRS has No Legal Authority to Assess You With an Income Tax Liability”

4.        Added section 5.6.1

5.        Added important information to section about keeping of records, pocket commissions, Delegation Orders, and authority to do Assessments.



1.        Expanded section and question 2.10 of section 15.1 about assessment authority.

2.        Expanded the introduction to section 5.7.1.

3.        Added section and question 4.4 to section 15.1.

4.        Added section 8.5.8.

5.        Added section 8.5.9 and subsections.

6.        Added questions 8.1 thru 8.3 to section 15.1.

7.        Updated section to better describe the process for making a determination letter.

8.        Added the Tax Research Compendium CD-ROM to section

9.        Fixed several spelling errors in chapter 5.

10.     Changed the title of section 5.7.2 so that wages become taxable, but only when received by federal corporations.

11.     Completely rewrote section 5.7.8 The Nonresident Alien Position.

12.     Rearranged subsections under section 5.7.

13.     Rewrote section 5.2.5 and moved it to section 5.7.9.

14.     Deleted sections and and questions 1.2 and 1.3 in section 15.1.

15.     Modified the rebuttal found in section 10.1.18 to eliminate confusion over the definition of “United States”.

16.     Rewrote the rebuttal in section 10.1.7.

17.     Completely revised the rebuttal in section

18.     Completely revised Federal 1040 letter in section 15.8.1 to reflect new understanding of terms “United States” and “income”.

19.     Corrected about 15 spelling and grammar errors in chapters 1, and 3-8.



1.        Deleted item 1 of section relating to definition of term “United States”.

2.        Added section 1.11:  Analysis of the financial impact of ending income taxes.

3.        Moved section 1.3 to section 8.3.

4.        Added section “Line 3a of W-4 modifies and obfuscates 26 U.S.C. §3402(n)”.

5.        Added section 6.4.4: Illegal Treasury Regulation 26 CFR §301.6331-1.

6.        Added section 3.11.3.

7.        Added section Line 3a of W-4 modifies and obfuscates 26 U.S.C. §3402(n).

8.        Added section 5.7.5: There is no Statute in I.R.C. Subtitles A through C that makes individuals “liable” for payment of tax

9.        Added section 5.6.2: Federal courts have NO statutory authority to enforce criminal provisions of the Internal Revenue Code

10.     Added section 6.4.9: Service of Illegal Summons.

11.     Added section 6.3.2: The Anti-Injunction Act statute, 26 U.S.C. §7421.

12.     Added section 6.6.1: Abuse of “Case Law”, and then rearranged section 6.6.

13.     Added section Use “Dirty Tricks” Against the IRS.

14.     Added a mention to IRS tactics to create privilege-induced slavery in section 4.4.

15.     Deleted section 6.4.2:  IRS Trickery on the 1040 Form to Get Us Inside the Federal Zone.



1.        Added a narrative assessment of the impact of eliminating federal income taxes to the end of section 1.10.

2.        Revised table 8-2 in section to add more explanations and one additional source.

3.        Corrected errors in the table in section 8.6.8.

4.        Corrected several bad fields pointing to nonexistent sections.

5.        Added a note to section and warning people that their refund suit cannot raise any more issues than their original request for refund claim.

6.        Renamed section to “Stop filing income tax forms” and added an extra paragraph to the section at the end.

7.        Added section 15.5.9: Expatriation Notice to Attorney General/Secretary of States.

8.        Added section 11.5 entitled “Elements of any Legal Case or Controversy”



1.        Modified Enclosure (1) of section 15.5.9 and corrected spelling errors.

2.        Added section 15.5.10:  UCC filing.

3.        Moved section 11.10 to Section and renamed it to “Understand the Tax Process and the Laws that govern it”.

4.        Updated section to further detail denumbering yourself at financial institutions.

5.        Expanded section to further explain how to get a legible copy of the IMF.

6.        Renamed section 15.13.8 and expanded the Privacy Act request for IMF to make it more potent.

7.        Considerably enhanced and expanded section 5.7.9:  The Nonresident Alien Position.

8.        Rearranged Chapter 15.  Merged all forms in section 15.12:  Property and Levy Protection into section 15.10:  Delinquency and Collections Forms.  This makes the chapter organization more natural and logical.

9.        Rearranged Chapter 15:  Put section 15.11:  Tax Examination/Audit Forms in front of section 15.10:  Delinquency and Collections Forms.  This makes the chapter organization more natural and logical.

10.     Updated modified section 8.5.10, table 8-6 to make it more complete.  Added new columns and references.

11.     Completely revised section 15.11.1:  Response to Notice of Levy.



1.        Rewrote slightly section 5.7.9.

2.        Modified section to add a warning about how to tell IRS agents that you are a nonresident alien.

3.        Revised the title and content of section 5.2.4.

4.        Modified tables 5-5 and 5-15 to add a new column on the far right titled “Type of Federal Jurisdiction” outside the federal zone.

5.        Added to the end of section 5.2 a requirement for one of the two types of jurisdiction to be present before a court can hear a case.

6.        Deleted section 5.4:  Amazing facts, and put the subsections under the new section 5.4, entitled “The Truth About “Voluntary” Aspect of Income Taxes.”

7.        Rearranged level 2 subsections in Chapter 4 to put “Resident” in section 4.9 after “The Federal Zone” in section 4.8.

8.        Minor rewrite on section 5.1.2.

9.        Added section 6.4.10 entitled “IRS Publication 1: Taxpayer Rights?…Oh Really?”

10.     Added section “Question (1.11):  Definition of the word ‘includes’” and also added question 1.11 to item 2.13 of section 15.1.  This new section clarifies and explains the meaning of the word “includes”.

11.     Deleted section 8.6.9 and item 8 under Section 15.1, removing any references to State income taxes.

12.     Renamed section 15.1 to “Test for Federal Tax Professions” instead of “Test for Tax Professionals”.

13.     Modified section 8.6.2 and item 1 of section 15.1 to modify Question 0 to make it more clear.

14.     Added section 15.2:  Test for California State Tax Professionals.

15.     Updated the definition of “person” at the end of section 2.2.

16.     Revised section 15.10.1, the letter to send with the California 540, to remove references to the form 3525.  This technique did not work as expected.  Reworded and reworded significant parts of this letter.

17.     Shortened the letter in 15.12.1 to remove references to the definition of “person”.

18.     Modified and expanded the Disclaimer at the beginning.



1.        Modified Federal Letter in section 15.9.1 to put discussion of United States back in there and expand discussion of taxable sources.

2.        Modified State letter in section 15.10.1 to correct a couple errors.

3.        Deleted section “IRS Form 4852” and edited out mention of 4852’s in section

4.        Corrected 8 errors in section numbers and spelling in Chapters 3 and 5.



1.        Added section 5.4.1:  “26 U.S.C. §1:  Tax Imposed…Oh Really?”.

2.        Rearranged subsections under 5.4 to make the flow more logical.

3.        Added section 2.6: “The Mind-Boggling Burden to Society of Slavery to the Federal Income Tax”.

4.        Added a quote from Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad to section 5.4.5 showing that the Secretary of Treasury has no authority to administer the income tax outside the federal zone.

5.        Split section 5.6.9 into 2 subsections.  Added a section on the traps the feds use to keep citizenship issues out of the court.

6.        Added a warning to the end of section about 28 U.S.C. 2201 and pointed back to for further details.

7.        Readded sections and as well as questions 2.3 and 2.4 under section 15.1.

8.        Added a quote from the legal encylclopedia to section 4.10.7 about U.S. citizenship.

9.        Completely revised section 5.2.4 and added section 5.2.5.

10.     Removed section 9.1:  Marking W-4’s Falsely As Exempt.

11.     Updated rebuttal portion of section 10.1.18.

12.     Added two new books to section 13.2.



1.        Updated section to mention types of folders to use.

2.        Added section entitled “IRS Frivolous Response to 861 Position, IRS Notice 2001-40, With Rebuttal”.

3.        Expanded section to add a mention of the case of Commissioner v. Glenshaw Glass Co. and pointed to the new section for insight into that case.

4.        Minor edits to section 5.4.1.  Mentioned legal profession scandal and reformatted some stuff.

5.        Rewrote the conclusions of section 1.10 to make them clearer.

6.        Added section 1.8.4.

7.        Added quotes from the bible to the beginning of section 7.4.

8.        Expanded section to add the story of Joseph to the end of the section.

9.        Added a quote from Matt. 5 to the end of section

10.     Added more quotes to the beginning of chapter 3 from the Bible, Matt. 5:19.

11.     Added more introduction to the beginning of Chapter 7 to identify the agenda of the IRS and the Treasury.

12.     Added a mention of Commissioner v. Glenshaw Glass Co. to item 7.9 of section 1 of book sections 15.9.1 and item 7.8 of section 1 of book section 15.10.1.

13.     Changed the author appearing on the title page to “Holy Spirit”.

14.     Added section 2.8.3 entitled “National ID Cards”.



1.        Corrected typos in section and rewrote mention of the definition of “person” to reference 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(1).

2.        Expanded section to add a table showing how to compute taxable income.

3.        Updated section to revise the instructions for filing the W-8 form.

4.        Updated section 1.6 to mention the definition of “individual” from the legal dictionary.

5.        Corrected section to point to the Test for Federal Tax Professionals instead of 32 Questions.

6.        Corrected typo in section

7.        Added section 15.6.11: Letter to County Assessor to Remove SSN from Your Real Property.

8.        Considerably updated section to mention the new letter in section 15.6.11 and added more detailed procedures and pointers.



1.        Revised section 8.16 to mention 28 U.S.C. Section 2201.

2.        Rewrote portions of section 5.2.4.

3.        Fixed the header in chapter 8.  It was wrong.

4.        Changed the title to section and added a reference to SECNAVINST 5510.30A in the body of the section.



1.        Added a quote from 1 Corinthians 13:6 to the end of the beginning of Chapter 1. 

2.        Added several more quotes throughout the book, mostly on enemies and bravery.

3.        Added quotes from the Bible in section 7.7 regarding love and hypocrisy.

4.        Added a long introduction to the beginning of chapter 10.

5.        Fixed formatting problems with table 5-17.

6.        Revised section 9.1.

7.        Deleted the cite from Butz v. Economou found at the beginning of section 8.4.4 and renamed the section to add W-8.

8.        Moved section 7.4.3 to section

9.        Deleted section 8.4.4 on W-4’s and 8.4.5 on Evidencing the Official Record.

10.     Completely rewrote section and renamed it to “Stop Withholding”.

11.     Deleted section entitled “Change your Filing status to nonresident alien with your employer and financial institutions” (section covers this).

12.     Renamed section to “Change your filing status to nonresident alien and “denumber” Yourself” and then moved it to section so it falls after the step changing your citizenship.



1.        Expanded section to add pointers from Eddie Kahn’s Reliance Offense Video.  Clarified procedures for video and audio recording.

2.        Expanded section to add two more verses to the quote from Matt. 5.

3.        Added a quote to the beginning of 2.8.6.

4.        Added section 6.3.1: No taxation without representation!

5.        Added a couple more cites to the end of section 5.4.1.

6.        Expanded section 4.10.3.

7.        Replaced the FOIA request for IMF in section 15.15.5 with a better one.

8.        Expanded section 5.4.2 to add a reference to the lack of implementing regulations allowing assessment by the IRS.

9.        Renamed section 5.1 and added to the description of property taxes at the end of that section.

10.     Introduced the word “situs” in the description of taxable sources found in section

11.     Added section

12.     Rewrote section 5.2.4 to make it clearer.

13.     Added more to the end of section 1.8.5 on the duties of Christians.



1.        Replaced “U.S.*** citizen” with “U.S. national” in table 5-8 of section 5.3.1.

2.        Changed item 2 of table 3-2 in section 3.8.1.

3.        Added mention of the legislative intent of the Sixteenth Amendment to section 5.6.3.

4.        Added a further clarification of the definition of the term “person” in the tax code to the end of section 2.2.

5.        Expanded section a mention of the Collection Due Process hearing transcript we have on our site.

6.        Expanded section to add pointers on our website to instructions for preparing determination letters and sample determination letters.

7.        Replaced all occurrences of SSN with “Former SSN (no longer active)” in Chapter 15.

8.        Added section “Use the FOIA and Discovery to Gain an Advantage”.



1.        Rewrote section by citing the definition of “individual”

2.        Removed references to the term “individual” from section 2.2.

3.        Rewrote the end of section 1.8.5 to make the evils of the income tax more apparent.

4.        Added section 8.7 Comparison of Philosophies of Various Detaxing Experts and Organizations.

5.        Fixed five spelling errors in various sections of Chapter 7.

6.        Fixed the table at the beginning of section 8.6.6.



1.        Renamed section 1.2.

2.        Modified and expanded section “Required”.

3.        Rewrote section entitled “Individual”.

4.        Expanded section 5.2.4 to mention the title of 4 U.S.C. 110(d). as “the States”.

5.        Expanded section 5.2.8.

6.        Modified section 15.6.7 to mention SECNAVINST 5510.30A.

7.        Modified table 8-15 in section 8.7 to add more section references in the third column.

8.        Rewrote section “gross income”.

9.        Rewrote section 5.6.4.  Moved portions of section into it.

10.     Added section 6.6.2 entitled “The Federal Mafia Courts Stole Your Seventh Amendment Right to Trial by Jury!”

11.     Added section 6.6.3 You Cannot Obtain Declaratory Judgments in Federal Income Tax Trials Held In Federal Courts.

12.     Added section What Type of “Money” Do You pay Your Taxes With to the IRS?

13.     Moved the Verified Affidavit of Default from section 15.12.9 to 15.13.4.

14.     Rearranged Chapter 15 to put all tests for tax professionals under section 15.1.  Added Verified Affidavits of Default for both types of Tests for Tax Professionals.

15.     Added section Question (2.1):  Meaning of the word “imposed” in IRC section 1.

16.     Corrected table 5-15 in section 5.6.6 by removing the right-hand column.

17.     Added section entitled Quash all Third Party Summons and Respond to your Summons Skillfully.



1.        Completely revised section Definition of “person”.

2.        Completely revised question 2.1 of section 15.1.1.

3.        Completely revised question 2.1 of section 15.1.3.

4.        Expanded section 3.11.2.

5.        Expanded the Disclaimer at the beginning of the document.

6.        Fixed about 20 typos throughout the document.

7.        Expanded section 1.1 to better explain citizenship and tax liability.

8.        Rewrote sections 5.2.7 and 5.2.8.

9.        Added section 6.4.5: IRS Trickery on the 1040 Form to Get Us Inside the Federal Zone.

10.     Added a note to the end of section

11.     Added to laws violated in section 6.5.1.

12.     Added section  IMPORTANT:  Eliminate the word “taxpayer” from your vocabulary in all your dealings.

13.     Added section 5.2.2: How Does the Federal Government Acquire Sovereignty Over an Area?

14.     Expanded section 5.2.3 to mention the 861 Position in the context of foreign commerce.

15.     Expanded section 5.2.3 to mention the term “special law”.

16.     Modified discussion of UNIFORM taxes in section 5.2.5.

17.     Replaced all improper uses of the word “taxpayer” with “American” or “Citizen”.

18.     Added section 3.6:  How Laws are Made.

19.     Added more cites to the beginning of section 3.8.

20.     Revised the last paragraph of section

21.     Expanded section to add mention of section 22(a) of the 1939 Internal Revenue Code.

22.     Expanded section “United States”.

23.     Expanded section to add additional information to the notice put on the W-8 and a warning about withholding and reporting for foreign countries.

24.     Added section 5.4.5 “No Implementing Regulations Authorizing Collection of Subtitles A through C Income Taxes”.

25.     Added section 5.4.6 No Implementing Regulations for “Tax Evasion” or “Willful Failure To File” Under 26 U.S.C. §§7201 or 7203!



1.        Slight edits to section

2.        Added more books to table 8-2 in section

3.        Expanded section to add a reference to the book Tax Procedure and Tax Fraud.  Also added a cross-reference table summarizing liability, imposition, assesssment, collection regulations and statutes.

4.        Changed the front page to reference and made print smaller.

5.        Added an IRS Examination/meeting worksheet to section 15.10.17.

6.        Added section 3.14.22 U.S. v. Mersky.

7.        Added section 3.14.25 Calif. Bankers Assoc. v. Shultz (416 U.S. 25).

8.        Added U.S. v. Mesky and Calif. Bankers Assoc. v. Shultz to section 3.14.

9.        Added section 3.12.2:  Types of Federal Tax Regulations.

10.     Rewrote parts of section 3.12.3 to make it clearer.



1.        Rewrote IMPORTANT NOTE in section

2.        Added a definition of “includes” form the Federal Register to section

3.        Rewrote section “Individual”, to add 26 CFR § 1.1441(c )(3).

4.        Added a definition of “citizen of the United States” to the end of section 4.10.3 from 26 CFR § 31.3121(e).

5.        Added mention to section 3.9.11 of how “Willful Failure to File” charges are made.

6.        Updated the definition of “U.S. citizen” in section

7.        Expanded section on Determination Letters to add IRS response to my request for information.

8.        Added mention of 26 U.S.C. §7701(b)(4)(F) to section

9.        Added a definition of Internal Revenue Service to Chapter 14.

10.     Expanded section 1.8.5 to add a quote from Eddie Kahn’s Update #1.

11.     Added IRS form 8854 to item 9 of table in section on Expatriation.  Added note 8 also.

12.     Added quotations to the beginning of Chapter 5.

13.     Updated section, the 1040 form.

14.     Added to the beginning of section 5.6.4 a definition of “wages”.

15.     Added section 5.5.1.

16.     Added section 5.6.3 You’re Not a “U.S. citizen” If You File Form 1040!

17.     Renamed section 5.6.5 to “You Don’t Earn “Wages” So Your Earnings Can’t be Taxed”.

18.     Updated section 15.8.1 and 15.9.1 to reflect the fact that you have to be an “employee” to earn “wages” under the I.R.C. and Treasury Regulations.  Expanded on definition of “United States”.  Added a definition of “citizen of the United States” to these sections.  Added a definition of “individual” to these sections.

19.     Revised section to add a definition of “citizen of the United States”.

20.     Added section  Definition of “individual”.

21.     Updated sections 15.1.1 through 15.1.4 to conform with the changes in sections and above.



1.        Revised the discussion of the word “individual” found in section 1.6 to add natural persons who are “aliens” and “nonresident aliens”.

2.        Added a Question for Doubters to the end of section and section 5.5.1.

3.        Added a quote to the beginning of section 3.6.

4.        Added a quote to section 6.4.11.

5.        Added a quote from Jeremiah 21:12 to section 1.8.12.

6.        Added to section 5.6.4 a quote from 15 U.S.C. Section 17 and 26 CFR § 31.3401(a)-3.

7.        Added a quote to section 5.2.5 from 4 U.S.C. §72.

8.        Added to section 5.2.2 “U.S. citizenship” as a source of federal jurisdiction.

9.        Added section Question (5.4):  Do I make “wages”?

10.     Removed Subtitle B references from section 5.6.5.

11.     Added a cite from 28 U.S.C. §3002(15)(A) to section 5.6.3 showing the federal government is a federal corporation.

12.     Added a reference to 28 U.S.C. §3001(15)(A) to section 15.5.7, which is the Affidavit of Clarification of Citizenship for Security Clearance.

13.     Added a reference to 28 U.S.C. §3001(15)(A) to section 15.5.6, which is the Voter Registration Affidavit Attachment.

14.     Added a reference to 28 U.S.C. §3001(15)(A) to section 15.5.9, which is the Expatriation Notice to the Attorney General.

15.     Expanded section 5.6.9 to defined “nonresident alien” and reference 26 CFR § 1.1441-1.

16.     Expanded section 5.6.9 to add the definition of “nonresident alien” and “alien” from 26 CFR § 1.1441-1(c ).

17.     Corrected some bad scriptural references in section 1.8.3.

18.     Expanded section 15.10.17 to add a nice cover page to the worksheet.

19.     Modified section to make it clearer.



1.        Updated table 8-16 in section 8.7 to add phone numbers and email addresses.  Corrected the American Tax Consultants listing to make 861 position=“N”.

2.        Fixed errors in sections and 15.10.17 in the worksheet table.  Added specific regulations from 27 CFR 70 to the table.

3.        Corrected two errors in the expatriation letter found in section 15.5.9.

4.        Added section 2.7.4 IRS Secret Police/KGB in Action!

5.        Added to the end of section 5.1.2 mention of the distortion of our language.

6.        Corrected incorrect section numbers and titles in section and corrected length of IRC.

7.        Expanded section 5.5.1 to add a definition of “Resident alien” from Black’s Law Dictionary to the end of the section.

8.        Expanded section 4.10.3 and changed the title.

9.        Added section “Nonresident alien”.



1.        Added section “Levy”.

2.        Changed the title on section

3.        Added a link to section 6.4.11 pointing to the Inoyue letter.

4.        Added section Challenge All Federal Criminal Indictments.

5.        Fixed a couple minor grammar errors in Chapter 6.



1.        Modified references in Chapter 5 to U.S.*/U.S.*** citizenship and replaced with or added “U.S. national” term.

2.        Added an introduction to Chapter 6 explaining the purpose and scope of the chapter.

3.        Modified the DISCLAIMER at the beginning of the book to mention the jurisdictin of Subtitle A as being the federal zone.

4.        Completely rewrote sections, 15.1.1 and 15.1.3 on Definition of “United States”.

5.        Completely rewrote section 15.6.1, the letter to financial institutions in receipt of W-8BEN who are questioning the form.

6.        Added section 15.11.12 FOIA/Privacy Act Request Preceding Collection Due Process Hearing.

7.        Updated the signature portion at the end of sections 15.1.1 and 15.1.3.

8.        Added to the beginning of section 6.6 a quote from Thomas Jefferson about the Federal Judiciary.

9.        Added to the beginning of section 2.9 a quote from U.S. v. Butler, 297 U.S. 1 (1936).

10.     Added section 11.2.1: “The Role of the Courts”.

11.     Rewrote closing paragraph of section 6.3.3.

12.     Added to section 5.2.5 a mention of Article 1, Section 9, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution.

13.     Rewrote section 6.6.2 to mention Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8 of the Constitution.

14.     Added an additional quote from Noah Webster to the beginning of section 3.8.

15.     Added another quote to the end of section 8.1.

16.     Added additional terms to section and renamed it.

17.     Updated section by adding instructions on how to properly respond to a jury summons.

18.     Updated section 4.10.3 to add a mention of “U.S. citizen” questions on government forms.

19.     Rewrote section 5.6.9 to clarify meaning of “nonresident alien”.

20.     Added to step 5 of table 8-1 in section a mention of the new FOIA request in section 15.11.12.

21.     Added section 5.6.7: The Deficiency Notices the IRS Sends Individuals are Actually Intended for Businesses!

22.     Normalized all case citations throughout the document and then added a Table of Authorities to the beginning of the document.



1.        Normalized all statute and regulations references.

2.        Added a table of Statutes to the Table of Authorities.

3.        Added a table of Regulations to the Table of Authorities.

4.        Expanded the Case listed in the Table of Authorities and fixed formatting problems in this table.

5.        Deleted mention of the term “individual” from section 15.8.1.

6.        Expanded section to add a table showing statute of limitations and another table summarizing the characteristics of the various courts.

7.        Added to section 11.7 a table summarizing the statute of limitations under various circumstances.

8.        Expanded section 11.10 to add a tabular summary of the characteristics of each court.



1.        Further normalized Statute references in table of authorities and throughout document and updated the Statutes section of the Table of Authorities at the beginning of the document.

2.        Expanded the answer in section to add a reference to the old name for Part I, Subchapter N of the I.R.C. and added a question for doubters.

3.        Rewrote the end of the introduction to Chapter 6.

4.        Revised the rebuttal found in section 10.1.20 to add several weblinks and some new information.

5.        Updated letter in section 15.11.1 to make it much more bulletproof.  Also added IRS Due Process Meeting Worksheet as enclosure 6.

6.        Rearranged sections under section 8.6.3 to move “includes” question closer to the start. 

7.        Rewrote section 10.1.19 to add a longer introduction and make it clearer.

8.        Further expanded section and 5.5.1 to add reference to 5 U.S.C. §552a(2).

9.        Rewrote section to make Federal District Courts and Circuit Courts into Art. III courts instead of Art. I court

10.     Replaced all occurrences of “Treasury Definition 3950” with “Treasury Definition 3980”.

11.     Added several new cites to section regarding levies and seizures and due process.



1.        Added a quote to the beginning of section 8.5.2.

2.        Added a quote from the Supreme Court to the beginning of section 6.4.2.

3.        Fixed two spelling/grammar errors in chapter 

4.        Modified step 5 of section 5.3.2 to mention 26 U.S.C. §6013(g).

5.        Modified section to mention 26 U.S.C. §6013(g).

6.        Modified section 5.3.5 to add a reference to 26 U.S.C. §6013(g).

7.        Rewrote and expanded section 3.14.10, which talks about the Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad case, to make it clearer.

8.        Added to section 5.3.5 a section out of 26 CFR 1.6013-6(b) showing how to revoke an election.

9.        Expanded section 5.2.5 to add mention of 26 CFR §1.911-2(g) defining “United States”.  Also added hotlinks to most of the references in this section.  Also added a quote from U.S. v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549 (1995) to this section.

10.     Added to section 5.2.7 a quote from 26 CFR §1.911-2(h) defining “foreign country”.

11.     Updated sections, 15.1.1, and 15.1.3 to reflect changes made in section 5.2.5.

12.     Added to section 5.4.1 a mention of illegal regulation 26 CFR §1.1-1(b).

Copyright Family Guardian Fellowship

Last revision: April 16, 2006 09:53 AM
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